The Simple Reason Political Systems Have Become Obsolete

in #politics7 years ago

If an alien was to visit Earth they would witness something rather peculiar. They would observe humans change opinions and ideas with every passing hour whether that is online or at the coffee table. They will see that most of us are drowned into hypocrisy and indecisiveness while very few are able to actualize their words into actions. They will also observe that while we live in a fast paced, constantly changing world, our political systems are frozen in time and take years to even rotate.

This is the point where future students studying history would laugh at us. They will observe John, the hard working family man that voted candidate X to change multiple political ideas in the span of a week. In all likelihood, John never agreed in anything in particular with a generic political idea. He probably ended up voting out of whim or emotion of some over- marketed political campaign or fake news.

There is not a single argument to be made about this farce we are experiencing in politics. How can we literally flip every single idea that comes along while at the same time freeze time when it comes to politics? How can we possibly rationalize this double gear to our children with a straight face?

The only solution to this rather laughable situation are blockchain technologies. People can vote through smart contracts for different situations based on the given point in time. Our political system needs to follow our fast changing world. If we are showered by so many ideas on a daily basis then we should have the choice to change our choices on the fly. Our human network needs to be updated much like the blockchain network with every single transaction.

This is how spontaneous order can occur in a massive political ledger where decisions for every single thing are made public. There is no argument why the political system shouldn't work as fast as the financial markets. Blockchain not only ensures this process to be more efficient but also more reliant and trustworthy due to the transparency that the blockchain offers.

We are living in the beginning of a massive revolution that will disturb everything we take for granted. For most of us this fast pacing world seems blurry and fake but this will become more and more of a reality as the times goes on. Like I mentioned in a previous post, Maximalism always fails at the end because new things come into the scene, ready to get adopted and evolve into newer versions of things that we cannot even fathom. Our political system will remain in the history books as primitive as the one of the ancient civilisations. We are keeping the same recipe: The masses arbitrarily chose individuals as leaders based on superficial characteristics of power, fashion and looks — no different than what other animals do in the jungle.


i think a good thinking person can not become a politician ever and if they become a politician they cant be a good

@kyriacos If there is corruption then it is difficult to run politics on the right way.

one of the problems with the political system as it is, is that there's too much money being made by those in power. Because of this, they want to "status quo"

Things will only change when the power elite can no longer make millions by being in power. And unfortunately, I don't see that changing anytime soon.

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Really liked the post, it's funny because I actually had this thought today. As a child I had always wondered why not create a decentralized system where people voted for what they wanted in their regions and everyone was happy. I was told it wouldn't be possible because of the time it would take to collect and validate all those votes. Maybe back then it wasn't possible but in an age where even 4 year olds have smart phones this seems a whole lot more like reality!

When I first started reading, I was ready to disagree and to argue against your points, but it turned out that this was only because I had anticipated your point incorrectly.

While in the past direct democracy might not have been practical, new technologies and the fact that we are now training ourselves to deal with and digest huge amounts of information means that direct democracy is a very logical next step and it's a shame that this step is not being taken.

Unfortunately, it all comes to the fact that the ones that are in power are very unlikely to undertake huge political reformations that are going to take power, resources and money away from them and put it in the hands of the people. But I think and hope that sooner or later we will get there and the blockchain or a new form of technology serving a similar purpose with similar or better properties is going to be a part of that solution.

It's also interesting to note that there are indeed places int he world where something like that is already taking place despite the fact that it's not based on new technologies - Switzerland - a place where the ones voting for new laws and regulations are actually the people and not the politicians. It's another precedent that shows that this is not a bad idea and could easily work and can be expected to be a huge improvement on the current status quo.

It's high time people stop voting in morons and slime bags just because they are the lesser of two evils. That being said, I still support voting on regular basis.

The political system that we know (democrat vs. republican) is (or at least should be) becoming obsolete. The reason is simply becasue people are not put into boxes as the yonce were. I'm a Republican, but I agree with many democratic ideas, so who is my candidate of choice? No one. We need a candidate in the future who can mesh ideas from all parties together to benefit the nation. Use common sense to make the best solutions instead of sticking to your party lines no matter what. I'm 25, and I think before I die we will see a true candidate run who is not affiliated with any party, but rather just uses his/her brain for the common good.

nice thinking.

thanks for information....

I'm totally agree with you, all of what you say in this post is realism.

True words but maybe they are already between us :D
Nice read tho! Keep posting :)
Followed and upvoted

Very nice thinking. Will follow u

While I also believe the blockchain will bring great positive changes, an actually leap into the future, faster voting mechanisms -on basically anything you can vote on- won't change the fact you are describing.

People will be manipulated by news, marketing campaigns, PR, etc. and voting will further validate the outcome of the manipulation process.

governments are insane.
You just explained it.

I totally agree, the way we are doing politics is clearly flawed and outdated. We have the capability of finding clear-cut solutions to problems, and we are still ellectring people based on promissses. Thumbs up for the post.
I also wrote my first post on a diffreent face of the same idee, if you want to take a look:

I agree with most of your points. Our political system is and will always be broken because many people follow blindly what their governments order them to do without much challenge. Hopefully we will start seeing freedom due to blockchain technological success however governments will send in a big fight. Thanks for sharing, upped-always.

I commented on your former posts however my comments were lost hence why you didnt see it... due to bug
that caused posts visibility to be low. It affeced my latest post which outlined some solutions about the problem, feel free to see it and note the tips

This is very interesting. The main problem with our current political system is bribery or the legalization of it. Lobbying is the politically correct word for it.
If the blockchain allows any form of bribery it will also be doomed. How would the blockchain prevent lobbying (bribery)?