I love talking politics, not being insulting to other people, but asking questions, giving my opinions, seeing what the pushback on those opinions is, diving into ideas.
Unfortunately I have to disagree with you. This election, like it or not, and most of us don't, is between Clinton and Trump. Johnson and Stein, imo, won't get five percent combined on election day.
I think everyone who is a realist and believes elections matter needs to make a descision between which two of these people they want for president.
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No they don't. Some of us don't see a difference between the two. The job of a U.S. Citizen is not to pick a winning team. It is to pick the person that best represents you. The only way we do a bad job is when we don't elect someone that represents us. That is the only TRUE case of throwing your vote away.
If no one represents you. Don't vote. If Jill Stein, and Gary Johnson represent you better elect one of them.
I didn't say they would win. That is not our job. This is not a sporting event.
EDIT: In fact I've been saying Clinton was going to be elected no matter what for about 9 months. Not happy at all about it but it was pretty clear by quite a few indicators. I wouldn't be happy with Trump either, but he's all words at this point.. no clue what he would be like other than stupid. Hillary I know what she's like and she is bad news, but I won't vote for them. Lesser of two evils doesn't work, it hasn't made things better when that has always been the excuse.
EDIT 2: Also, you don't really need to listen to me. I'm an Anarchist. I only get involved because though I wish the government didn't exist, it does, so I must still try to make decisions that I can.
I absolutely agree with you that your job as a citizen who buys into the process is to vote for the person you think would make the best president, according to whatever huristic you've constructed for yourself. Out of the four people who get talked about for me, that's Hillary. But I'm also making another calculation, which is that unlike any other candidate I've lived to see run, contemplating a Trump presidency genuinely scares the shit out of me, in a totally nonironic unexadurated way. And so I get edgy when I ear people talking about voting third party because I'm picturing a nightmare sinario where Johnson and Stein take votes away from Clinton so that Trump wins. For me Trump winning would be the only truly bad outcome. I can deal with business as usual, which is what I think Clinton and Johnson wins would entail.
Don't worry. Trump won't win. Hillary was going to win before this all started.
EDIT: And yes, I can see why people would be scared of Trump if they are scared of words. I'm more scared of actions and Hillary's actions when she's been in positions of authority have been downright scary. I'm not talking campaign mode. I'm talking Secretary of State, Senator, First Lady, Attorney on Watergate Commission, Governor's Wife, etc. I've looked into ALL of that time and there is just so much. There is so much it is hard to even keep it all in my memory. Certain ones stick and are remembered strongly but the list is friggin immense.
That scares me. Though I can't say Trump wouldn't be just as bad. He certainly is an idiot when it comes to speaking.
If you've been following Hillary as long as I have I truly wouldn't be surprised if Trump was a plant. I'm not saying he is, but it'd be a damn smart move because most people don't like Hillary. They are mostly considering her because they are afraid of the things Trump says. The media also slams you with it over and over.
If Trump wins... you can tell me "I Told you So" because, I truly do not think it will happen. I'm 95% certain Hillary was chosen at the outset, thus why all the collusion in the DNC against Bernie. Thus, why she can get away with crimes that others cannot.