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RE: The Pentagon Doesn’t Know Where $6.5 Trillion Dollars Has Gone? How is this Possible?

in #politics8 years ago

Funny that... weren't they being 'audited' on 9/11 the day a certain part of the Pentegon got blown up - this was following a Donald Rumpsfeld announcement the day before 9/11 that $3.5 Trillion was 'unaccounted for' and 'lost' in Pentegon accounts ... Who's having a good vaction


yep, huge cover-up was needed, I guess 9/11 met that need

And not just a certain part but the part where the investigation was ongoing. Similar to WTC7, there were another agencies performing related investigations. What a coincidence! Seems that investigation attracts destructions.

Yes, I believe so. Funny that... isn't it? :)