Middle-class America, can we talk for just a moment? No one can deny that our government is corrupt. This fact should have been made extraordinarily clear as a result of the Democratic primaries and convention of 2016. Also, as a Middle-class citizen, you must know that there is an economic war being waged against you by the financial elites of this society. While it cannot be argued that this war exists, we as Middle-class citizens are at odds with each other. This disunity is clearly illustrated in our interactions with each other by way of social media. If we don’t among ourselves, at least as it relates to economics become unified, we will, in fact, find ourselves in a state of absolute total economic oppression. While I know that there are some clear differences between Conservatives and Progressives, I also know that these differences do not extend to economics. Conservatives and Progressives alike need good-paying jobs which would provide them with the means of supporting their families’ needs. If we lay aside everything else, and demand of our politicians, Conservative or Progressive, policies and laws that would help to facilitate this need, we could not do anything more to help our collective cause.
Middle-class Americans, think with me for a moment. Let’s just look at some existing policies and laws of today which no one can deny are good for the economic advancement of the Middle Class or the working class of our society — Social Security, Medicare, the five-day 40-hour work-week, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Answer this question for me: What type of country would we have without Social Security? At a time in our society where the elites have eliminated all means of us earning interest on our savings accounts (if you are somehow fortunate enough to even have a savings account) the interest earned will be next to nothing. The interest rates on annuities are nil, and whereas in the past we were able to earn 4 to 5% on Certificates of Deposit, it is now tenths of a percent. How about a country without Medicare? How many of us would simply die on the street? Further, how about a country without the 5-day, 40-hour work-week — a country where employers could demand that you work 50, 60 or even 70 hours weekly without overtime pay? Still further, how about a country without protections against your bank accounts, a country that essentially had no banks, because no one would put their hard-earned money in an institution that could not give them the assurance that their money would be available to them in time of need? Imagine all citizens having to keep their money in their homes. Could you measure the crime in a scenario like that? No, you could not; It would be off the chain!
While the aforementioned benefits are indeed beneficial, and cannot be argued to the contrary, we have allowed the elites to deceive us to such an extent that we still, somehow, find a way to debate their viability. All of these benefits have something in common, and that is, they were all instituted by Progressive politicians. Had America not been graced with these politicians, we would not presently exist as a viable society. One other thing these benefits have in common is that they were instituted by one family — The Roosevelts, Theodore (Teddy) and Franklin Delano, better known as FDR. Now I know that the ideology of Progressivism is not popular among a good percentage of Middle-class citizens, but it should be. The financial elites have successfully tainted the minds of many Middle-class citizens in an effort to steal their wealth and oppress them. Immediately upon completion of FDR’s time in office, which included him being elected to an unprecedented fourth term, the financial elites quickly saw their need to deny the people a real Democracy by establishing a law that prohibits any particular president from being elected to more than two terms. This is not Democracy. The people should be able to choose whomever they want for however long they deem him their best choice. The elites of that day paid politicians to make this law because they did not want to contend with another FDR, one who truly had a heart for fairness among all Americans, and not just the rich. It could be argued that if FDR were still living today he would still be being re-elected.
It is important to note that Teddy Roosevelt was a Republican and FDR was a Democrat, but they both were Progressive. In fact, Teddy Roosevelt started a new Progressive Party. He took office six months into President McKinley’s second term as a result of McKinley’s death, which in essence, constituted a full term of his own. He was also elected to a second term and chose voluntarily to not run for a third term in order that he may pursue other interests. Upon his choosing not to run for a third term he had an agreement with his Cabinet member, Secretary of War, William Howard Taft, whom he chose to be his successor to carry on his legacy, but while in office, Taft was bought by the elite to enact their agenda rather than Roosevelt’s. So, the people then voted for Taft with the mindset that they would essentially be voting for Teddy Roosevelt. Taft won the election which in a sense, could be looked upon as a third term for Teddy Roosevelt. The fact that Taft went away from Teddy’s agenda infuriated him and he came out of retirement, established the Progressive Party and ran against the Republican, W. H. Taft, and the Democrat, Woodrow Wilson. Woodrow Wilson won the election because Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote. If Taft had not been in the picture an argument can be made that Teddy Roosevelt would have won instead of Woodrow Wilson, constituting essentially a fourth term.
History has taught us that when the American people get true Progressives in office they tend to want to keep them because during those times the people prosper economically. Is there any wonder why the financial elites always put on a campaign to disparage, smear, and outright demonize any true Progressive who advocates for the working man? They tell us through the manipulation of the media that for America to enact the things that the true Progressive espouse, that it would have to take from those who are moderately surviving and give it to those who are struggling and the poor, thus we bicker among ourselves and chose the politicians who tell us that they won’t give what little we have to those who have less. Nothing could be further from the truth. The elites know that the truth is that in an environment where all have a measure of economic stability, they, the elites, would have a little less than they have. Instead of 10 billion, they may have 5 billion or instead of 40 billion, they may have 20 billion. Should you sympathize with them? No, you should not. They achieved those billions through the collective patronage of us all, and they are indebted to society as a result.
Now, Middle-class Americans or working class, if you have indulged me thus far, please, please, don’t abandon me now. Indulge me just a little further. I feel I must preface where I’m going now because I know that a good percentage of you heretofore have not agreed with what I’m about to talk about, but trust me, it is indeed something you truly need to hear. It is indeed a truth that the true Progressive politicians get demonized by the elites, the media, and sadly, even by the working man, because he has been deceived into thinking that the politician who is good for him is actually bad for him and those who are bad are good. In the 2016 Presidential Election, the working man had the perfect candidate in Senator Bernie Sanders, who was demonized on all sides. He had the Democratic nomination literally taken from him, Mafia-style, and had a significant lead on Trump in a head-to-head matchup for the Presidency. This was encouraging, because it told me that a greater percentage of the voting public was aware of what is good for them than those who do not, but those who do not are still aiding the elites in the continuation of their deception. We as Middle-class citizens could overwhelm their efforts with absolute, complete economic solidarity. In other words, you can be pro-life or you can be pro-choice, but when it comes to economics, we need to be single-minded. The straight can hate those who are gay, or those who are gay can hate those who are straight, but again, when it comes to economics, we need to be of the same mind. You can be against gay marriage or you can be for gay marriage, but when it comes to economics, our minds need to be on one accord. You can hate me because I’m Black, or I can hate you because you’re White, but when it comes to economics, we need to be as unified as we can be, because the elites are certainly unified in their efforts to economically oppress us all. We balk at those of us who receive food assistance, unemployment compensation or those of us who temporarily find ourselves on welfare, which equals to a fraction of the federal budget, in comparison to our military budget, yet as it relates to the military budget, we are silent. If we are opposed to any part of the federal budget, certainly our opposition would be better served here — a budget which is more than the next top eight countries combined. This is madness! Still, we are silent.
At this juncture Middle-class American or working man, let’s take a closer look at what Senator Bernie Sanders was advocating for on our behalf. Essentially, Bernie was advocating strengthening the social programs that we already have in place, Social Security and Medicare, which none of us can say that we don’t need and for the most part, establish two more: tax-payer funded healthcare and higher education. Now Middle-class American or working person, can you honestly say that if you did not have the burden of having to bear the cost of your child’s education that it would not work to restore some of your wealth that has been stolen from you by the elites? Do you not want it? How can you be so opposed to what is equitable on your behalf? Do you not like yourself? Do you enjoy oppression? Now I know you like yourself and you do not enjoy oppression. You are deceived. You have been deceived by the elites to think that what is good for you is bad for you. Some of us, as working people, simply do not have the money to fund our children’s education, so we then past the buck to our kids and place the burden on them to get high-interest loans in order to pay for it, but it puts them behind the eight ball upon graduation, having major debt starting out in life. Also, Middle-class American or working person, if you did not have to bear the high premiums associated with healthcare or have policies that have extreme limitations on them, only paying a percentage of the cost rather than all, or carrying limits on the overall amount that it will pay, believe it or not, you are now in possession of health policies that can literally run out of coverage, leaving you in a position to have to go home with a few pills and die. In the final analysis Middle-class American or working person, as a taxpayer, you have already met the criteria necessary to be a benefactor of these social benefits. You shouldn’t have to pay taxes and still bear these expenses, but again you’ve been deceived by the elites to think that you do.
When it’s all said and done Middle-class American or working person, you should seek to elect true Progressives to office not Conservatives or Corporatists, but rather Progressives — those who truly have your interest at heart. If you continue to vote Conservative Republicans or Democratic Corporatists into office, you will be instrumental in the continuance of your own oppression.