
so what are you doing about it besides bitching?
oddly enough

you see...I've been paying attention.

Steemit is just one tiny example.
I'm doing rilly rilly well on steem
beyond my wildest expectation

I think Steem is the precursor of a new way to earn income
something like Universal Basic Income.
but better.
no government needed
What's not to like.

Be negative if you want to be
I'll wave as I pass by.

Paid for one with Steem
(the just like it...not the dog)


Congratulations! One of my Steemit fantasies is to buy a cheap plot of land with a small house and fix'er up'er. Would make a nice video series.

She was NOT a fan of Nixon for good reason. HMOs for starters. How we lost any chance of ever having good health care that everyone can have.

Not-so-fun fact: part of Nixon's WW2 career was working as a price controller in the Office of Price Administration.