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RE: Media Thinks Trump Tweeted Out Nuclear Launch Codes?

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

You would have to be an idiot to think that any President not just Trump could just set off a nuclear launch by even posting one code on twitter and I seriously doubt this has anything to do with that. Just more stupid fear mongering from the media, I bet it's more than likely he just made a typo like everybody else does when trying to write something else or left up part of a sentence and forgetting to delete it.

The left has gone full on Alex Jones with Trump, even if a president were to do something as stupid as leak nuclear launch codes there are all sorts of safety protocols in place to prevent that sort of thing and a basic google search will confirm this.

Any accusations of being a 'Trump' supporter for not immediately going on with the left's bullshit should be dismissed, you don't have to defend yourself from these retards by saying you don't support Trump. Also, for fuck's sake, do these people really think that a launch code is going to be only 7 letters long? Fuck me, anyone who isn't just a raging leftist trying to get Trump should be ashamed of themselves really for going along with this and don't get me started on the whole Russian conspiracy.

Sigh, this was an annoying read :(