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RE: Anyone Buying This Venezuela Bullshit Is A Complete Fucking Moron

in #politics6 years ago

Not disputing her correctness (about the issue) at all. That is besides my point. Venting is ok and all.

But you need to consider the FORUM in which she is posting her contents. Steemit (and other online outlets) is a place were thousands of people - with differing opinions and viewpoints - get exposed to complex and controversial material. If the material/message is negative in tone, aggressive in nature, it doesn't cultivate a healthy atmosphere in which people can engage and be respective of each others' opinions.

She directly states people are "fucking morons" WITHOUT giving them a chance to engage, i.e., she is shutting herself off to any discussion (almost like a child covering their ears). Very childish, arrogant, and immature, imho.

So rather, it fuels the divide-and-conquer attempts by the powers-that-be who want exactly that. In other words, she is playing right into their hands. Foolish. Folly. Hypocrisy.

I am not sure if he reads the comments on her Steemit posts; but I will assume she does. In this case, I implore her to challenge my remarks (in a mature and civil fashion of course). If we don't hear from her, then I assume that she doesn't have the tact or line of reasoning to do so...


I get what you are saying, and agree. Although I feel like most of her writing is informing and allowing people a chance to engage and learn in a non-aggressive/non-judgemental manner. I just looked at this piece as venting and frustration, which I think is understandable.

I have these very frustrating feelings about people myself, and for me, it feels good to see that expressed, as well as her usual educational posts. It was cathartic for me to read it as much as it was for her to write it. I think it's helpful to try to understand all sides of where people are coming from, and take into consideration their usual demeanor and internet persona.

"Let the hate flow through you" dark side life

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