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RE: Q: Something HISTORIC and GLOBAL is Happening

in #politics7 years ago

Great quote by Twain; he has so many and was an absolutely brilliant individual.

Although there are some positive things coming out of Trump and Q, the fact remains that all the nefarious agendas (eugenics, fractional-reserve banking, theft by taxation and inflation, wars, censorship, etc., etc.) are still taking place full steam ahead and these are much larger than any one president or abstract warrior can tackle.

The financial system and US dollar will implode; that is a mathematical certainty. And when it does, neither Trump nor Q will be able to mitigate its effects, nor those of those agendas being continually implemented (and likely will be amped with new more draconion laws and measures upon the next crises, i.e., problem-reaction-solution). Rinse and Repeat.

If we want real change, here's the approach to use:

buckminster fuller - change.jpg