ATTENTION! I am looking for a lawyer for a slam-dunk, class-action lawsuit.

in #politics7 years ago

ATTENTION! I am looking for a lawyer for a slam-dunk, class-action lawsuit.

I have decided to sue all Christian people of the US for culturally appropriating monotheism without consent from my people, the Jews. Additionally, I want to sue the Treasury Department for printing, distributing, and using currency with monotheistic themes.

It is clear that Christian people derive joy and satisfaction from my people's central cultural foundation without consultation or permission. Additionally, transactions specifically associated with Christianity (be it church donations, jewelry, church construction, etc) have occurred without providing any compensation to my people.

There is no dispute the central principles of Christianity are derived from Judaism; the term Judeo-Christian is a popular phrased used by Christians that further lends credence to this.

While I want justice, I am not greedy. I believe $497 per person for the lifetime & unlimited use of monotheism is both fair and more than a Tom Woods liberty classroom lifetime membership (which I have), but with the added benefit of providing spiritual salvation.

Additionally, the Treasury Department would pay an annual fee of .1% for the use of any monotheistic terms on their currency printed or in circulation.

Thank you.


$497 ? I have no money, Guess I'll get turned in to a credit bureau