And if I may add, an excellent interview, @leecamp, with this as a key part:
The most dangerous lie I’d say is that capitalism should never be questioned. You can have a discussion about its benefits and its dangers and what it’s done but the fact that it can never be discussed is really dangerous. It’s cutting off thought and we are watching as our environment collapses around us, as we are being told to consume at a breakneck pace all the time. But if we don’t then we’re bad members of society or bad citizens.
If you look at climate change, deforestation, how we have lost 50 percent of all wildlife in the last few decades, how the oceans are filling with plastic, we are destroying our ability to live on this planet — but we are also being told that we can’t question the economic mechanism that is fostering our own death. That to me is the number one issue that must be discussed but there are a lot of other important ones, like the myth that we are a democracy whereas a large Princeton study found that we are an oligarchy. I think that’s another one of the biggest lies we are told.
Thank you, Lee Camp.