I think this could happen if Trump wins. Maybe that's why they're painting him as a racist and paying actors to start riots and stuff. I don't think there will be an economic collapse under Obama. They're propping it up until he leaves office so he won't look bad.
Then again, they told Hillary she would be next at Bildeberg in 2008 so I dunno about a third term for Obama.
If something like this happens it will be over night and no one would expect it. I'm not saying 100% it will be Obama, but I wouldn't be surprised either.
@johnnyyash Ok...Let's say your theory DOES hold water. It would take MORE time than overnight just to get things positioned for a 'junta'...at LEAST a week! I'll still upvote it for your effort!
Lol, things have been being put into position for a long time. You just haven't noticed.
Could be! They had that Operation Jade Helm...I remember seeing trains loaded with armored vehicles & tanks...I don't know if I agree with exactly everything...but you put in a herculean effort here...& THAT deserves value!