The DemonRat propaganda outlet, known as the MSM would be perfectly fine if the Corona Virus were being blamed on and called the US Virus or the American Virus...SMH. Just as they want it to be blamed on and called the Trump Virus. They cannot or merely refuse to see why the POTUS is pushing back against China blaming the Virus on the US Military!
The POTUS and the Office of the President represent ALL of America. We the People are Human Beings 1st and foremost, all are born equally, female or male, created in that invisible image of Spirit. And Americans 2nd, with any other labels, we stick on the vessel, serving only to further divide the US. United We Stand but Divided We Fall.
Generosity is of the Fruit of the Spirit and the proof is in the pudding. "The Power of Pride" is one of the Carnal Fruits of the Flesh, not of the Spirit. Nor is Greed one of the Fruits of the Spirit but is of the Carnal Flesh. Take a look if you dare to enter in, what grows on the branches of the Fig Tree that grows from the Heart within you?
"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye is single, thy whole body shall be full of light..." Christians AKA Disciples, Psalms 1:2,3 says it is Good and of God, the Owner of the Flock and his Christ, the Good Shepherd; to Meditate daily. Take time out of Prayer to Shut Up and Listen! God Our Father in Heaven, knows your needs before you even speak them.
So pick up your own Cross and follow after what the Christ says and stop following after Paul become Saul, the Chief of Sinners. And is the Worst example of what any Christian AKA Disciple of Christ should be and do. Believing only God is Good?
"As you believe, good or evil, so shall ye do and be. To Be or Not To Be... good or evil Sons and Daughters, the children of One Creator, that is the question? What says your Religion VS the Gospel, the Wolf laid down side by side with the Lamb? Comparative Analysis, Critical thinking...
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