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RE: Mandatory Service Requirement

in #politics8 years ago

I served six years in the U.S. Marine Corps, and I adamantly feel that the military should be an all voluntary service. It improves the quality. The Marine Corps itself would suffer great demoralization if it recruited from a populace that wanted nothing to do with it. It's not easy, and I've seen the most motivated fellows struggle with it as a love/hate relationship from day to day. Throw in people who never wanted to be there in the first place, and you have a real shit show brewing.


But what about people who are there because of stop-loss? I mean, sure, they didn't read their contract. But they also don't want to be there.

Short of a world war, I don't agree with the use of stop-loss. Once again, it completely devastates morale and fucks up the unit from the inside out. It's hard enough dealing with people who joined completely voluntarily and are just biding their time. I am included in that. I couldn't wait to get out towards the end of my enlistment and I joined 100% motivated.

Edit: To clarify, I believe in desperate measures like stop-loss if we are truly under a major threat or invasion. A world war or something of that nature. So I do believe it has a place in the contract, I just don't see it's use as it has been in years past a just use of that clause, but hey, that's just my two cents as a lowly enlisted jarhead. lol