The Empire has been monitoring these proceedings very closely. We are trying to gather intelligence on these "witch hunts" that the inhabitants of your planet insist on conducting. Thus far, it seems that a "witch hunt" consists of gathering factual evidence against someone who has broken your laws. Then presenting that evidence in a court. Next that evidence is weighed by a jury. Again your planet has demonstrated how primitive it is. It is far more efficient for one leader to simply decide what is true and fake and who is guilty or innocent.
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Judge, jury, and ZAP! is far more "efficient", I agree. So is genocide and so is weedkiller, but that doesn't make them right. Lord Vader, do you know anything about the UFOs people have been seeing lately?
Those are just the government's white helicopters. They are grabbing people, but the government has been doing this for years.
I believe that the "U" in "UFO" stands for "unidentified".
I assure you, if I were responsible, you would be able to identify it.