I'm saying he doesn't need to be on mainstream outlets and shouldn't be
So you are advocating censorship against people that say things that you personally don't like?
Even though you have the choice to watch or not?
You think other people should decide what other people can watch?
You see why the Stalin comparison is not a straw man argument, but a comparison of perspectives?
You perspective is very similar to Stalin's views of how media needs to be controlled.
I don't think people who preach for violence and murder against minorities should be tolerated, sorry. That's against the law for a reason. Go be a radical dumbass somewhere else. Comparing me to stalin is like comparing an apple to a granola bar.
I'm comparing what you have written, to what Stalins views and policies were.
None of those things are even remotely related to my views on any subject. You're ignorant and uneducated.
You just advocated control of the media!
If you fail to see the lack your idiocy and hypocrisy in your own positions - I would suggest it's you that needs to educate yourself a little more.
More books, less pokemon, perhaps?( Alinsky's 'rules for radicals' might help you in your clarity of strategy).
I can give you 10 or 20 books to get you started if you want..
Or watch some philosophy and logic youtubers - Molyneux and Peterson are good for a very basic grounding in the subject..?
lmfao are you really recommending I watch white supremecists like molymeme and jbp? Holy fuck, I didn't realize you were that crazy. I'm done interacting with you now.
oh excellent - I'm glad I found you!
followed ;) !
which group is acceptable to murder?