well, sorry to burst your bubble, but I guess you've never been in Thailand then ... the word 'thai' in the Thai language means free ... and rightfully so!
It might not be written on a piece of paper, but it's in the people; Thai people are free ... that's just how they are and why I call it 'libertarian' by accident.
still, really good post, I truly enjoyed reading that.
I already know about Thailand. :) I would never assert that places on the globe weren't already far more practically free than here, or that all places besides this land mass are devoid of liberty minded principles.
I have a limited perspective, and the history I know, but I am aware (as mentioned in the article) of just how much I do NOT know. :)
I have friends who are huge fans of visiting Thailand for the reasons you mentioned. I hope to see it someday and experience the community there. :)
In Thailand you get executed for drug trafficking( even small amounts), I would argue that's not really being free.