It makes me sick to my stomach, yes I am old enough to remember the lies, the pretexts for these wars. And living in Canada, everyone here fell for the shit too, and it became a lynch mob, as you well know. One that still goes on to this day.
I don't know if many folks even know or care that no WMD's were ever found in Iraq. Just "kill the terrorists"...when the true terrorists are Western Leaders, Banksters...all the ones profiting off of this genocide. 4 million muslims have been killed in US wars...and muslims are the terrorists? :'(
Unfortunately, a large percentage of 'humans' are little more than empty shells that get filled up via the propaganda engines of the mainstream media and then set loose to act out their programs. It's a messed up situation on all levels, but it's better to know than not know!
Yes, I would never choose to go back to sleep. It's impossible. No matter how lonely and frustrating the road of truth is, at least we can try and make a difference.