Is more Christianity the solution?

in #politics7 years ago

There are two ways to solve social problems in this world. The first and preferable is to "use your words"; peaceful negotiation.

Negotiations can get tense of course, but if both parties have a shared belief in the existence of objective truth, and provided the conversation remains a productive exchange of words and ideas, a resolution will be achieved. After all, we can only meet in objective reality.

The second option is violence.

Any solution that involves laws, government, courts or any other such state apparatus, is an appeal to force. This ideology is called leftism or socialism because this "solution" relies on "social funding", which is another way of saying "taxation". "Taxation" is a euphemism for the forceful removal of money from productive people, and it is this stolen money that funds the infrastructure required - police, judges, lawyers etc.

Put another way, leftism is an ideology fundamentally based on the application of violence.

Wanting more government is an implicit prescription for less negotiation. It is an implicit prescription for more violence. And it is an implicit prescription for an eradication of those groups who fundamentally believe in negotiation, free will and objective morality.

Which groups in society believe in negotiation, free will and objective morality?


Want a better society? Might be time to start standing up for Christian values, Christian groups and Christian churches.


I`m Christian. I believe in Christ. I think that by believing in God and following Him we can build a better society. On the other hand, unfortunately, the description you do about leftism is one way applied to solve problems. But it is a viewpoint. Because, I have understood that it is not like that every where. Even though, for most cases, you are right.
regards and blessings!