
Equally awful? Are you fucking stupid? Please don't talk if you have no idea of how bad crooked hilary is. If you did 1% of the crimes she committed you would be in jail for LIFE. So please again don't talk if you don't know what you are talking about and that goes for the rest of the brainwashed cunts in here.

The reason I upvoted @magnebit's post is because @stephencurry downvoted it, and I wanted to balance out the downvote in order to maintain a respectful debate and community in Steemit, and to provide a safe space so that every one feels like they can voice their opinion without being verbally (or voted-ly) attacked. And to @stephencurry I respect any political opinions you may have, and if you support Trump then that is great for you. However, please do not spread hate speech on Steemit. I believe violent speech is just as dangerous and harmful as violent action.

The only hate speech is the one you presented in this post which contains NO FACTS at all and should be deleted. All it is doing is brainwashing more people.
Trump Has Disqualified Himself-
Trump Has Indelibly Marked Himself as a Racist, as a Xenophobic Nativist Bigot


Thaddeus Russell, the greatest historian of our times who has been on the Joe Rogan Podcast many times, does not endorse Trump, but he concludes that Trump is a far safer and more rational choice than Hillary. As a nonwhite immigrant who grew up in the ghetto, I think Hillary is the real racist. Her policies have kept Blacks in prison since the 1990s after calling them "super predators". Trump is the asshole Buddha. He means well, but says it in a cheeky way for publicity, but overall he is much more socially liberal than Hillary.

