Kenyan politics:supreme court ruling

in #politics8 years ago

Lets talk Kenya. To be more specific, lets talk Kenyan politics. On this 1st day of September, my country through the supreme court, is to make a vital ruling. This will be a decision that determines what is next for us as a country. On this day, our achievements and failures, for the glory and rise of my country will be spelt out.
Well, since the August 8 general elections, alot has been going on. Talk of the struggles, the blood that has been spilt, the lives lost...its a shame that among the lives lost, a number of them were of innocent young children, among them,10yr old and six months old. But today, a panel of seven judges, have a chance to break or make the country. As the drums of division and tribalism sound louder and louder around us, all I pray for is that justice will prevail. As our national anthem would have it, , " natukae na uhuru, amani na undugu". I would love to be at peace, traveling to my inlaws who come from western Kenya. I would wish that I will never be judged by my 2nd name as it spells my tribe loud and clear. And on each day, to love and be loved by my brothers and sisters from all tribes. That is the Kenya I want for me and for generations to come.
So on this day, let justice prevail!!! Let the will of the people be respected and above all, let Kenya as a country win.

@mamady #atruepatrioticKenyancitizen