I am one of the most followed accounts on Steemit. Too bad we are run by an incompetent bunch of leftists starting with Ned Scott. Because of communist censorship my blog earns nothing compared to others with my viewership. I wouldn't mind the whales refusing to up-vote me but censorship of posts for political reasons is illegal. Ned Scott should be sued.
This post got 68 views yet made under 30 cents. Is Steemit a scam or a place dedicated to the protection of pedophilees and the censorship of conservatives?
This one is at 89 views and under 3 bucks
81 views and made under a dollar
Compare those view numbers and earnings to this post
Top post in news tag right now has 150 views....
Someone or some group is actively trying to hide my posts from the general public and the tag lists by flagging me automatically whenever I post so you wont see my posts unless you already know to check my account.
Immigration is not so innocent
Documentary on Hollywood pedophiles
Bitcoincash = Bitcoin
Satanism , Judaism, Islam and the Illuminati
Ned Scott
It's Bitcoincash, BCH not BTC but BCH
Hitler could have won WW2 at Dunkirk but allowed it to continue?
Obama is a tranny fucking satanist or what?
He sent his kid to work for a pedophile
- Obama sent his daughter to intern for Harvey Weinstein a known pedophile...... http://dailycaller.com/2017/10/06/flashback-malia-obama-lands-internship-with-harvey-weinstein/
Infowars report from 5 days ago Antifa travels to Syria crosses border to get military training from ISIS
Another report on Kurdish ISIS and Antifa
Rollingstone even reported on Hardcore leftists fighting with Syrian militias, supposedly against ISIS but you know how that goes
http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/features/american-anarchists-ypg-kurdish-militia-syria-isis-islamic-state-w466069(Image not shown due to low ratings)
Images were hidden due to low ratings.
Down with the ghetto conspiracy trash!! Enjoy the Flag!
I am very new to steemit and this is very upsetting to see. Wow. My degree is in sociology and psychology and I LOVE the subject of society. But many people choose a side and give up all logic and give ZERO credit to those who do not agree with their political views. This zero tolerance to be tolerant is so hypocritical it is sad and almost funny.
The sad thing is the people of germany became this way after WW1 and Stalin is still loved by many. Hate and zero tolerance can take the best intentions and go very bad. In politics I am in the middle of the road guy. I defended obama during all the slander and now I defend trump for the same reasons. But hate blinds people and they become so stupid that even a debate is off the table.
I was really hoping steemit would be the avenue for free speech but can totally relate to what you're saying with the votes.
Perhaps Ned is just a misguided liberal and not a communist as you suggest? Even left leaning liberals are trying to separate themselves from the far left nowadays so there's still hope! I am an eternal optimist after all. There's not much point in wasting your time posting articles that no one will see cuz they keep getting flagged and sometimes we need to just go with the flow and hope for the best.
Peace and Blessings!
Agreed. I really feel like I am a freedomist. Not a liberal or conservative. The only way I can prove to myself I am a Freedomist is reading both sides. One topic I am on the left , one I am on the right and some I feel " both sides have a point". Anything on one side or the other is childish or a brainwashed sheep for my belief system. If this is the case of the agenda of the whales then there needs to be a 'hard fork', so to say.
I was hoping everyone here would be on the same page at least in the fight against the machine that keeps us all oppressed and that anything that did get posted would be posted forever. Then I saw a post that was "removed" and asked myself wtf? Now I've stumbled on your page where I see that people don't like what you're saying and are flagging you into non existence. I don't agree with that and it shows just what type of people are running steemit... Where's the "live and let live" mentality that would undoubtedly be present IF nearly everyone here were freedom fighters or anarchists or "so called" Christians?
I posted one pic and tagged flat earth in it and was basically verbally assaulted by kerriknox who has a huge following and appears to be here to spread dis info and hurl insults.
I came here to learn about cryptos and watched an interview with Ned on (I think) sgt report but the overall theme was anarchists dream website and freedom of speech will reign here....but if they're saying one thing and doing another then I expect this site will become a place to post art, poems and recipies like pinterest but if you're a truth speaker then you'll be shut down and won't make money and we're wasting our time here because it's probably just another soros funded venture to attract people like us and shut us up. Time will tell. Peace and blessings.
Agreed but I have to ask. What is time flat earth and what makes it so offensive. lol
I couldn't figure out why anyone would be that passionate about what I think but check this out
The "if it seems too good to be true," mantra, comes to mind unfortunately.
I replied to crankycrypto but it was meant for you. oops total newbie here. Please read below!
I do wish you would stop complaining about making money on your posts. LOL Just being honest. If you make money elsewhere on these posts go there. It is capitalism. Find the audience that will pay for you input and ignore the ones that do not. But the censorship is fascist.