The only difference between religion & spirituality is politics

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

A Christian, a Hindu and a Moslem die in an accident and reach the heavens right after each other. "Where do I have to go?" the Christian asks and St. Peter answers: "Straight ahead and through the last door. Please be very quiet." The Christian says "Thank you" and enters the door. Next one is the Hindu. "Where do I need to go?" he asks. Peter points to the door next to the one the Christian just took. "Straight ahead, the door before the last door, please. However, be as quiet as you can." The Hindu leaves quietly. It's the Moslem's turn. Peter says:"To the right, the first door. Please be quiet." "Why do we need to be quiet?" the Moslem wants to know. "Oh", Peter says. "You know, my friend, the Jews are on this floor, too. And they believe they're all alone up here."

Who is God?

When one finds the time to read some of the many scriptures there are, from different times and believe systems, it may most likely lead them to the understanding that those different religions aren't that diverse at all. The big flood, for instance, is depicted in more than 200 scriptures from around the world. And in almost every holy scripture the flood follows something like building the tower of Babylon or "messing with the Gods" in any other way.

Reincarnation and the eviction from paradise is another familiar motive that many religions share. If you read those scriptures open minded without judgement, you'll find that what differs them unites them. They complete each other. No believe that I know of is about division. So, what's all the fuzz about? The important question is:

Who longs for division? 😉

Divide et impera (divide & conquer) describes the idea of dividing people into different peer groups to keep them from fighting their real enemy all together. This is not accidentally latin. That's what the Roman Empire did, that's what the Vatican did and still does, what leaders and conquerors do and have been doing for as long as this world exists.You don't, no idea of God I know about, me neither. If you follow my blog you @mayb have an idea already. I think about the Roman Empire a lot.

Whatever faith, never fear

Fear is the key. For those who want to control you and for your personal development. When it comes to your personal set of beliefs: Does it involve angst? Is there any religion that scares you? Do you feel like it's mocking your God? If you have feelings like that embrace them. They'll be your guide. Ask your God, pray about it, meditate, reflect, read those scriptures that scare you. Get closer. Does your God want you to feel scared? Start doubting this thought and ask yourself where it came from. If it divides you from another human being, then it's not your God, it's most likely the influence of someone else preaching to your subconsciousness.



I love this premise. You are on to something here.

thanks. I hope so. :)

Fear and division is all they can work with. Great post Mayb :)

It's already won. We just document it. <3

I agree with what you are saying, but not a fan of the joke in the beginning. Mocking Christians is a media favorite and an old sport that's lost its luster. I only let Monty Python get away with it ;)

"Do you feel like it's mocking your God? If you have feelings like that embrace them." 😉
You could have changed it with any other of them.
… mayb I should do that. It's actually even funnier when it's the Jews who feel exclusive.

Or, you could use the Muslims. I'm sure they wouldn't mind their belief being made fun of.
I do feel like it's mocking people who believe in God and the joke itself is a tool used to provoke a reaction and divide. That said, it's just my opinion. I try my best to embrace, respect and learn from everyone.

there's a big debate going on for years on wheather it's ok to make fun of the islamic religion or not. Therefore I can't agree. But who cares. I already changed it. And I really don't mind about it too much. Everyone can make fun of my belief. I always feel like it's more their problem than mine. :)

I'm so happy we talked. Communication is key to understanding each other <3