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RE: Mass Camera Surveillance Can Take Down Statism - NUTS! CRAZY! Or is it?

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

I have said for some time that we will not be able to stop technology from advancing and doing the things it can, so to protect ourselves from the abuses technology can make available we MUST! take back control of our government. We are supposed to be a self governing people, protected from governmental abuse by the limits placed on our government by the US Constitution. We want the benefits of technology, but we are scared to death of the way an overly powerful central authority could abuse it and do us harm. So, the fight shouldn't be to prevent the thing we want, but to dismantle the thing that frightens us.

I'm not sure I am completely in line with the idea of open public surveillance, but I like the thought that went into this, and philosophy of relying on ourselves while denying sustenance to bloated, abusive government.