Call the people with the space Lasers

in #politics14 days ago

This is precisely what we needed, the best hot take that MTG can excrete during these times of peril and tribulation. YES!! Let's call "Them" They got the technology after all.

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Wait, who is they?

Who is they Marj, Why don't you tell us?

If we go back just a little bit, and think back to the days when Hawaii was burning down we might get a clue as to who "they" are. right?

The truth is that Marj has shown the world she believes in all the conspiracies, even if they are not compatible with each other.

There was a time when people like her would be heavily medicated, but these days they get elected into positions of power, because this is the world we live in now.

The jews did it

To me the antisemitism is easy to spot, and I'm not just saying that because I'm too sensitive. The fact that my wife is Israeli changes not a single fact of my analysis.

Let's say if we can break this down for the folks in the back; let's make a list of the ideas that Marj holds in her head and watch the jenga crumble to the floor.

  • The jews control the media
  • The jews have space lasers and cause fires
  • The jews control all of Hollywood
  • The jews have weather control machines
  • The jews can fix this if they want to


Why would "the jews" who "own" Hollywood, who control the richest state in America burn it down? Why would they destroy themselves like that? Why would they then, after destroying themselves, save themselves with their weather machines?

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But it's kinda funny

I mean, she seems to have the IQ of a goldfish after all. And, when called out, when the nuance is explained to her, how cloud seeding works, she just doubles down.

Did she not read anything about the topic? No, of course not. That would require a mind that seeks to learn new things, not one that seeks validation of all it's preconceived bigotry.

Four more years of this shit...

Why da hell not....


With people like that in power the USA is in deep trouble. Logic does not apply to them.

we are two election cycles from getting a president camacho!