How did we end up here?

in #politics2 months ago (edited)

I'm thinking thoughts, thoughtful thoughts about things that we ought to think about sometimes. Ok, no foolery, let me lay down an alternative reality and you tell me what you think. OK?

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Michelle Obama runs

In an alternative reality, it wasn't Kamala that got imposed on the American people, but there was actually a primary. Michelle throws her hat in, and picks up momentum.

Name recognition is there, and the for the most part the vast majority of democratic voters would be all for it. In other words, the only demographic that would need convincing would be the young people, the ones who might restraint from voting, because politics are meh.

Zucks enters the room

As we know, TikTok and other social media platforms have been taking profits off Zuckerberg's table. He knows this all too well, and has decided to become "politically active" if you will.

Instagram all of the sudden begins pushing democratic talking points left and right. The algorithm is changed to display these videos, and the most followed account on Instagram now is @thezucks, an account that details the Zuckerberg's family members and friends.

Creation of a new department ADA

Michelle promises that after winning the election, she will assign Zuckerberg to run the department of ADA, short for America Democratic Advancements. A department that will work with other agencies to make sure America is helping countries who really need it, help them move to a better democratic system of governance.

This means that now Zuckerberg will have a say on who we send aid to if we do at all. Foreign policy becomes pretty much entangled with Zuckerberg's personal position on these matters.

November comes, Michelle actually wins

Mark Zuckerberg celebrates with Michelle on stage and addresses the nation too. Using his social media power he is the best natural ally for the democratic party, and they all know it, so they let him do as he sees fit.

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He also decides it would be a good move to relocate to Washington, in wait of Jan 20, so that he can best coordinate with the transition teams and make sure everything is on the up and up.

Inauguration day comes

There's a coalition of important people all huddled together. The richest men in the US have special seats for the event. We can see George Soros next to Zuckerberg, and Bezos right beside him.

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We now know for a fact Zuckerberg is going to have an office in the white house, and we are also completely aware he's got personal relationships with other powerful people who usually operate in the dark.

Now, let me ask you

How many republicans would jump off helicopters onto the White House attempting to stop this thing from happening the very same day?

What would the Republican politicians be saying to anyone that would listen?

What do you think would be the reaction from the political pundits? The Shapiro's, the Tim Pools, the Dave Rubins?

Do you see what's happening?

This is hypocrisy at a level that has never been documented ever. We are watching the government being bought out in front of our very eyes, and yet the politicians seem asleep at the wheel.

Musk having a desk in the White House, the very idea of such a thing is making my spleen dilate two inches. It's unconceivable that the most blatant conflict of interest I've ever seen is being ignored.

Conflict of Interest?

  • Guess who get's the most government contracts?
  • Guess who get's the most subsidies?

and now...

  • Guess who's in charge of determining who gets contracts and who gets subsidies? The man in charge of optimizing the spending of American's tax contributions?

Stupid salute aside


How the hell is this legal?



Of course Musk is interfering in UK and German politics too after there were complaints about some Brits going to the US to help in campaigning. Musk bought himself a position of power and he's likely to abuse it.

he's also openly supporting pretty extreme people who are obviously going to fark things up if they get in power...

Greenland is just the beginning.

The mid-election shift to Kamala Harris seemed like an act of sabotage, or Biden not wanting to lose to Trump. Without a Primary and a primary campaign Kamala wasn't able to form a body of her own supporters.

The pendelum has swung back to Trump substantially on the basis of economic issues. If the economy and employment heats up and energy prices are reduced the American people will likely interpret Trump through that lens.

Posted using Political Hive

the facade of democracy broke in front of the world, and people truly said... faackthis

have we reached peak oligarchy? 🤡

this was supposed to be a sci-fi, but looks more and more like prophecy

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nothing to see here