Fox News....."Fair & balanced (TO THE LEFT)"

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Faux News often touts their "independence" and tries to pretend they are not part of the mainstream media. Their penchant for referring to the other major networks as "the mainstream media" when they are actually only slightly left of center (rather than outright far-left globalist/communist like the other networks) got so bad a few months ago, that we actually had a grassroots campaign going to get them to stop pretending they aren't part of the MSM. I don't know if that was the reason or not, but they did stop.

THERE IS NO CONSERVATIVE MAINSTREAM NEWS NETWORK. There is not even a mainstream news network that is right of center. That's the sad truth in our modern American one-party, surveillance/war state political system. Faux News is simply the Trotskyite side of the Lenin-Trotsky divide. For those who don't know about Leon Trotsky, he was the leader of a more moderate "gradualist/persuasive force" side of the Russian Revolution. Lenin, an out-and-out totalitarian and a true, radical, "in-a-hurry" Communist banished Trotsky to Mexico where he later died under suspicious circumstances.

Sadly, the same situation exists within our political system. The Republican Party, despite the feeble efforts of the quickly co-opted "tea party" movement, is firmly to the left of center, with the Democratic Party completely over in the socialist camp in the far left-- or even further into outright Communism sympathy. (Actually, the political system is sometimes better viewed as a circle, with the mushy middle totally devoted to globalism --of whatever stripe-- with the two "radical" camps meeting together on major issues of personal liberty and decentralization. But for the purposes of this essay we will work from the common perceptions that exist to try to explain our national problem.) How is it then that the conservatives--with which MORE THAN HALF OF ALL AMERICANS SELF IDENTIFY-- have no place in the political system of the nation?

The truth is, there has not been a true major republican element of the Republican Party since Robert Taft's wing of the party was viciously attacked and overwhelmed by the infiltrating neoconservatives, who began their takeover in the late 50s. we need to define a couple terms. When we use "republican" with a small "r" we are talking about people who believe that we are a republic, not an empire. Republics do NOT have colonies, nor are they inclined to have (or need) overseas bases, or to control other nations in either a de facto (underhanded) or de jure (publicly-stated) fashion. The USA now has hundreds of overseas bases, and controls dozens of nations in a de facto sense. True republicans therefor support the founding structures of the U.S. government, A REPUBLIC, which was bequeathed to the people--..... a republic, NOT A DEMOCRACY. Defining all the subtle differences between those two is beyond the scope, right now, but suffice it to say that we started on the slippery slope the first time a news pundit called us a "democracy" and was not called out for it...probably more than 50 years ago now. Democracy equals mob rule, and is the single step removed from totalitarian dictatorship.

By the late 1960s and into the 1970s, the neoconservatives, led by William F. Buckley, Jr. had deeply rooted themselves within the Republican Party, fully backed and funded by the Rockefeller oil family, who have always been globalists--because global hegemony over energy/power was what always drove the dynasty. There were some reactions against this takeover in the 70s--largely as a result of non-interventionists (i.e. real republicans) who were upset over the failed lessons of the Vietnam War. Think about that be a republic, by definition, means to be a NON-INTERVENTIONIST..i.e. a peacemaker. Feeling the heat, the neocons took a page from the Marxist playbook and realized they needed to raise up a controlled opposition to fool the people and to bring about a more thorough control of the republican elements of the Republican Party.

To do this, they turned to A HANDSOME LIBERAL DEMOCRAT ACTOR named Ronald Reagan. That's right, the Reagan Revolution was a rigged game from the beginning. The Rockefellers and their fellow-traveler globalists (remember it was that family that funded and founded the United Nations!) took Reagan under their wing, primed and trained him in the tough-sounding populist/conservative rhetoric that define his campaigns, and had him switch parties a few years before he ran for POTUS the first time in 1976. He lost, but became a household name. When he ran in 19080 he made shrinking the size of government, eliminating the Department of Education, and supporting the Constitution the center pieces of his campaign. Instead, he tripled the size of government, signed education protocols with the Soviets and fully set our public education system on the road to ruin (see: "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Reagan Education Department whistle blower, Charlotte Iserbyt..a free download at He enraged true republicans in '84 when he added the treasonous, globalist, JFK-murder-collaborator, George H.W. Bush to the ticket (and this author and many others ditched Reagan as the phony ACTOR he thus proved himself to be.)

Reagan was constantly visited and given instructions from Rockefeller-family errand boy, Henry Kissinger, throughout his two terms AS HAS EVERY PRESIDENT SINCE, including one, Donald J. Trump.

Now back to Faux News. Faux News's Rupert Murdock, though not an American, was closely aligned with the neocons from his arrival on the scene in American broadcast journalism in the 1990s. He had been tight with the godfather of the neocons, William F. Buckley, from way back, and also with Buckley's successors and lieutenants...William Kristol, John McCain and Newt Gingrich. His news network began to challenge the other networks in terms of rhetoric, but not in reality or in policy, and immediately rose in popularity as the rhetoric matched the feelings and views of most true conservative Americans. However, Faux News is the "good cop" to the other networks' "bad cop"....nothing more, and nothing less.

So, we have a situation where the entire "fourth estate" in this country (i.e. a "free" press) is truly an enemy of the vast majority of Americans. True republicanism has yet to find a political home, as the major parties are still firmly in the grip of these same enemies. We must redress this situation if we are ever to avoid global tyranny and save our country.


Interesting post and a good read.

Thanks, Steve!

very interesting and educational @mepatriot this is a very good post!

Thanks, Jon. Glad you found it informative.


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