Morning Coffee & Legal Chess - Straight from the Hip

in #politics3 days ago (edited)
(Names Have Been Changed of MGI Member out of Respect - This is, a direct copy paste discussion of internal comms, with some slight, alterations for the sake of presentability)

MGI Member — Today at 5:21 AM
that's not a meme, it's a video.
[5:21 AM]
click on it.

Kashmir_Z: That kinda makes me smile, you just talked like an insurer - no dispute, please send through your proof of loss, I will watch your video - woke up, way early, hung over as all hell, morning kick, ibuprofen, coffee & tobacco
[11:18 AM]
breakfast of champions lol


Kashmir_Z — Today at 11:26 AM
@MGI Member - Ok, I watched it, - the guy likes younger women, if he was Kiddy fiddling, well, then that’s bad, no dispute from me - but I have not seen any evidence to support that claim - if he just likes younger adult women, nothing wrong with that, so do I from time to time, which, is a normal male thing, generally, women like older men, and men like younger women, - generally speaking - sometimes I like older girls - and talking about what a youths genetics will propagate to, is not a valid logical conclusion in and of itself that a person is a paedophile, and we also must consider, he may not have been aware, that, Epstein was a paedophile - I see no issue with the video, legally speaking, from an insurance legal background, it is, an opinion piece if anything, which draws from clips, to express, the authors opinion - it is however, presenting information, that assumes a verdict, so if I was in a court-room, I would object, on the grounds - it assumes a verdict, bring to me, compelling, Bonafide evidence.


[11:29 AM] And I’m not even a MAGA person, (I'm a Libertarian) keep that in mind - I campaigned, hard AGAINST trump, and then he nearly died, and then I started questioning the media I consume, and then I started thinking about some of the things he says, and on the burden of ideas, I actually agree with him on more, than I disagree with him on, compared, to what Kamala was proposing, the whole media wanted everyone to hate musk as well, and I went through the same process, and I was like, how on earth, and why on earth, would I dislike this man?

[11:31 AM]
Now that may change, like all voters, we observe, and make our next decisions at the ballot box, but what you just showed me, infers, and assumes a verdict - it does not show me any verifiable proof, or evidence


[11:32 AM] Get me a super hottie 21 year old Infront of me right now, dtf baby lets go, probably not just now, coz I just woke up, and am working, but yeah, and I’m pushing 37, is that illegal? no girls fit, wanna play let’s play girl,

Kashmir_Z — Today at 11:39 AM
Parents, everywhere, talk about, ""Oh yes, I can see that in her eyes she takes after her father, or, I think she will have her mother’s legs growing up" and they do it tastefully, I am sure, you have considered, such things, in your mind, and if not, I could present to you MILLIONS of examples, of parents and grandparents, that discuss such things about children and grandchildren, and I can give you PROOF of that, if i had the time to collate it,

Ok, so, he gutter talks in a moment, what, like a real person? not a fake plastic politician? and that’s bad? so he’s honest then, and your all about honesty are you not @MGI Member? And you know, between ourselves, in private, we have discussed, the female form, and sexual acts, and otherwise, to FAR greater length, than anything in that clip, and most, if not all, of the soundbite clips that are paraded around the media about Trump, and that’s a fact, and its a fact of most men, particularly, of our gamer ilk, remember every lustful thought you have had, and every lustful comment you have made, and then tell me, you have not done worse,

Yeah - now, again, if, he was a paedophile, then he’s a paedophile, and I am sure we would all agree, that is bad, however - strictly speaking, from an insurance point of view and a legal point of view - I am yet, in all these years, to see any compelling evidence, all I see, are opinion pieces and propaganda pieces that draw on sources, to present, and project, a point of view - but, given, that I see no compelling evidence, it does make me however question, the motive of those propagating it.


@MGI Member over to you, if you want to play special consul legal chess - you’re playing with the best @MGI Member - This game, I "Pwn" at - Your turn, present to me your rebuttal and I shall respond in kind.

(And I really enjoy legal disputes - it was literally my favourite thing, legal chess - so quite sincerely mate - please do continue - it’s fun for me - I’m not angry at you :P @MGI Member)

[11:43 AM]
Thanks for the content,

Kashmir_Z — Today at 11:47 AM
And when you edit a typo, you’re supposed to put [SIC] next to it, FYI

Shall i drop the mic now? or later?

Written by Kashmir_Z
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