"Do you know the difference between fact and narrative?" -- Caitlin Johnstone
Yes I do -- but you clearly do not!
Why do I know? I know because I am closer to the facts than you are, I am right in its face, every single day. And that gives me a perspective of clarity, clear thinking. That you cannot have... you're in for your own gain.
You have an agenda and so it impedes any clarity on the subject at hand. Bias impedes logic with faulty emotions. You search for weakness, and fail to find it because you basis is not righteous. There's an old saying you may pay heed to... "There is no rest for the wicked, and the righteous don't need any."
Your committed to your emotions, to some groovy ideology in your head, and your paymaster, a simulacra of the real. You live in a narrative. A kool aid induced idea about the world. That all these dirty white men, these toxic white fuckers that ruin it for everyone. They fucked up the climate, they fucked up economy; they fucked up the world with war and ugliness. And that clearly is a Liberal point of view... and that type of liberalism is for the young and idealistic. But your not young, and you take it a step further to the left, your anger and hatred of what you think you know; what you think you feel for something you were never present for, you were not even born as haven't grown up, your still a child with a chip Cait.
I didn't start the fire; we Americans didn't start the fire! The western world in its freedom and democracy didn't start the fire. It's been raging since the world was young.
America was the place to be, after European monarchies and the suppression of European life, by the politics of the holy see, that drove many, that had a dream about freedom; the right to speak the right to desire and dream some big dream, about a good life; filled with love and happy people and children and freedom so much freedom. The freedom to explore your own mind and the wonderful country that had air that hadn't really been breathed yet. Crystal rivers and lakes and snow-capped mountains. And a garden again, and America's manifest destiny of that...
And those who live in the old world cramped and used up, eaten and stolen of every nutrient, parched ground, tired from growing things, tired from ancient wars that will not stop. Owned by despots. By people who believe in shit; dark cults that apply sick rituals and apply dark frozen lifeless symbols to the mind and demand its obedience. Wars fought over a prophet that was a pedophile. Wars fought over ethnicity and color, and the way words roll out of their mouths.
Now America the place is getting crowded from the ceaseless numbers that want...and it can't handle there are growing pains, and a maturity gained. And immigrants that bring their problems here.
Strange how 42% of Russian youth between the ages of 18-30 years old want to immigrate, want to leave the Russian Federation, because of Putin -- and the most chosen place, the United States of America.
There is no narrative there, is only truth Caitlin Johnstone, and God only knows how many have died so you, might piss on that freedom that is held by a thin blue line. So you might piss out another article of faith for you group grope and cheese glob of a socialist globalist planet..
"Let's look at Russiagate for an easy example." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Easy? Lol. The Russian dictatorships have been fucking with American since the get-go. They have played at war on the free world for close to a ninety years. The propaganda war has gone on in full steam since the forties..Stalin the worse mass murder that has ever existed in this world, and has killed close to forty million -- through his purges and pogroms and famines and war. He took power and kill all the opposition in the beginning, the intelligentsia, any and all opposition; millions of people were killed, building what? A USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) to fight America and the free world and democracy. To become the most dominant and only leader on planet earth. To make Russia the single most powerful nation on the planet.
In the end what he left when he died, was old emasculated men, indecisive men, grey paranoid men who ran the Soviet Union like a work camp, on fear, terror and of no purpose what so ever but the terror. Sick, drunken psychopathic and sociopathics, initiating more like themselves -- they inspired paranoia and sickness and the lies and disinformation and propaganda that would pale Orwell's 1984.
The first of the secret police, the secret societies was the Cheka (1917), the chekist countermeasures any and all freedoms; they laid the ground work for what followed. They spread quickly and put any who would oppose them and ask for freedom in prison or the grave. They used economy of bullets when they lined up their victims to achieve the greatest number of deaths with one bullet. The rivers ran red while the meat grinders ground the bodies to fish food.
Then came the NKGB ( People's Commissariat for State Security), the first real Soviet secret police, that conducted their activities abroad; over saw political identity within Soviet society, they countered Democracy and undermined it, using countermeasures on a constant offensive. They established the gulags and constant executions, the deportations and boost the enrollment in their ranks.
They became the NKVD (People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs) responsible for Stalin's great purge, and political repression, they amassed great power and the mass executions and forced labor camps worked those unfortunates to death. The repression of peasantry and complete nationalities deported en masse or starved and wipeout in famines. They moved out to Soviet satellites nations and took more like Poland and the Ukraine.
Then came the MGB (Ministry of State Security) they dealt with internal and external security and counter intelligence, foreign and domestic intelligence, they inherited what the NKVD left. Then a change again to the MGB, who gave birth to what we know as foreign intelligence, the First Main Directive. The MGB evolved to become the most secret society on planet earth the infamous and still functioning KGB.
They stole state secrets and pour copious amounts of money into the bringing down of that free society we call America and western civilization. They subverted and assassinated, they framed and corrupted, they organized the communist party of America. And funded and seeded dissent in central and South America. They spread like a cancer, to Cuba infiltrated Czechoslovakia, and Hungary, suppressing Poland and put spies in everything from the Catholic church to the boy scouts. They invented the cult of personality in their KGB schools and planted those seeds in Syria and Libya and with the PLO. They armed the IRA and subverted that cause... They gave birth to such names as Yuri Andropov and had show trials and jailed physicists and doctors and artists and thinkers alike...
And they invented "Active Measures" which we face today under the mastery of one of Andropov's golden boys, his favorite and spiritual son the Chekist, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Who as the last director, the public face of the KGB, which became the Russian Federation and swore to ultimate secrecy of the efforts. They took control with other KGB officers of the golden club of Andropov and now run the kleptocracy and criminal Kremlin and the St Petersburg mob. They run Russia like its their private property. They steal it blind and drive out the best.
Of the total GDP of the Russian Federation, the KGB which runs the FSB, GRU and SVR RF. And controls and runs the oligarchy, have a shadow economy that follows and is equal to 43% of the Russian Federation economy.
Vladimir Putin is the richest man on this planet with wealth that reaches somewhere around $200 Billion.
"But what are the facts? The facts are that a few people who were [...] Review with a more aggressive stance toward Russia, withdrawing from the INF Treaty, throwing out Russian diplomats, sanctioning Russian oligarchs, expanding NATO and securing it more funding." -- Caitlin Johnstone
All this that you doublespeak is crap and lies, the Russian federation is an expansionist dictatorship determined to financing as it always has, socialism, subversion and dissent through its NGO's and propaganda on the world-wide web. It finances troll farms and fixes elections, it arms Americas enemies, and violates every treaty it signs. The Russian Federation aims for global socialism, run by the Russian federation kleptocracy. It solitary aim is to control AI, the Internet and the World Island.
"There are a lot of great alternative media outlets out there, and a lot of good dissident politicians and activists [...]" -- Caitlin Johnstone
................doublespeak! Like exclaiming that there is a good form of cancer. The aim today is to flood the political arena with Socialists of a different color. Socilists with a noun or a pronoun hyphenated to it...a meer decoration of opposition. It is the way of Putin, and his politics of zero sum game.
"I am not saying that dissidents should abandon truth and facts; if you're not trying to build a world that is based on truth then what the hell are you fighting for? But it is absolutely essential not just to tell the truth, but to seize control of the narrative as well." -- Caitlin Johnstone
What you encourage is the story, and a story is a narrative, based on emotions. But truth is self-evident and opposes your narrative Cait.
You condemn the US and western free nations that wish to see free and open elections in Venezuela, and gave eight days to achieve those goals. But Maduro who inherited his position from a dead Chavez, will not have it, and so he steals the country blind with his cronies and the richest oil reserves in the world should be the possession of the free people of Venezuela.
"Russiagate didn't gain traction because it's factually accurate, it gained traction because it's a scandalous story about the president of the United States conspiring with nefarious forces and being blackmailed over a night of water sports with Russian prostitutes." -- Caitlin Johnstone
You're a gossip, simply a glorified gossip. Who is interested in other people's dirty laundry. And hates the bad man orange.
"So tell stories." -- Caitlin Johnstone
......really, now you are encouraging stories, I thought narratives were your problem.
You flip-flop, so much, I can't seem to keep track of what you believe, except your spreading of the seeds of global socialism, dissent and that pack of lies you carry around.
Wow michaelburns your are a true troll. I guess I commend your attempts...but no one cares. Why don't you try writing your own articles and see if anyone agrees with you? Because here, we see that you are a fool. You aren't swaying any of Caitlin's readers. You are wasting your time. I guess it's a lil funny to see someone so thanks.
Oh, you. You can't get to us anymore.