Kinda like throwing the baby out with the bath water, in your philosophy of misery.
I see you had to go to the basement for this one...getting desperate for material to bludgeon Americans with Caitlin. I see you brought in reserves with James Corbett
The FBI stand right there in front of Russian attempts at corrupting America. They got the GRU officers and prosecuted them for their crimes. They investigate and arrest and prosecute some of most heinous and inhuman filth that arise in a free society. Pedophiles and perverts, gangsters and thugs; gang members and rapists; child traffickers and women abusers; embezzlers and fraudsters and drug tarffiking garbage. You name it, and they have to deal with a thin blue line between us freedom loving individuals and the mad fuckers who would see the world burn down...just to see it burn.
The modern agent wasn't born when Martin Luther King was assassinated. Is he to blame? The young man who gives his life in the service to his country as a FBI agent, who try to end the bad guys reign and the corruption of peace and harmony. Who deals with what you could not...but you got lots to say about it.
I read one article the other day from a black science writer, who wrote an article who dared to suggest that MLK would be very dissatisfied with global warming, and I thought, no MLK would have been angry about how this hoax has increased food prices, and restricted free enterprise and entreupreneurship; and additional carbon taxes and socialist ideologies and red tape fuckery interfering with common sense.
And I thought he would be very dissatisfied with Black Lives Matter. A socialist racist organization that aims to divide and conquer, and pull race relations apart not heal them. But to pull apart all that he achieved...
Many mistake Dr Kings work as support for one singular group, and that is wrong he was a humanitarian that cared to change the mind of a man who thought a black was inferior to him simply because of his color.
MLK was a humanist, he was not a racist. He would have said "All Lives Matter"
Your were not there that day... but I was present then, it was a sad day for all.
Russian trolls like yourself always picking at the dark parts of America, pointing at foibles and the scars and wounds of past internal battles of America. And that is despicable from someone who does not live here or contribute to this society -- always trying to divide and conquer, to plant the seeds of dissent, to try to schism, and gaslight a young and inexperienced and idealistic population. It is always your fall back position in your little socialist red, in this case you will use white against black. MLK against the FBI.
I find it interesting that both you and Corbett are outside of here...him in Japan, an expat -- with his prime minister making a deal with the devil himself: Putin. The spread of unity politics is such bullshit..
And you on the opposite side of the planet, not even in this hemisphere. But, you crash into America's house right through the front door and scream at us occupants that we are causing the worlds problems we are hegemonic, we are the cause of the worlds wars. That we are racist and bigoted, that our male population is toxic and white and misogynistic and heading for the extreme right. That our President is shit, and our decisions are shit...fuck you.
Let face it Caitsy, you grew up to be a socialist cynic, who cannot see any worth in the west or the United States of America. You're a ball buster with a tick. But you got no moxy at all, you're too fucking flakey...
"Whenever America celebrates Martin Luther King Jr. Day we should remind ourselves that it is a known, undisputed fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation engineered a psyop to manipulate one of the world's greatest minds into committing suicide."
Nah, your pissing in the pool, your knee jerking without any evidence or facts, your running on Corbett conspiracy juice, he sell by the gallon over there...
People prefer to celebrate the day, in the wonder of this man, Martin Luther KIng -- his ability to cross boundaries and bring all colors together; Dr King's courage to stand up as a free man, encourage both black and white to be men first and foremost above all things. He was an usual man, an initiator of men; he was an gentle and kind American man, he did not need to prove himself as a man, he walked and talked with whites as sincerely as he did with blacks or chinese people, or those with polka dots...but I know what you're trying to evil twisted fuck.
You're a shit disturber, a consummate lying liar, and self-centered nihilist, who is hollow and weak of any spirit of good.
Well it ain't going to work. There were stupid men back then in America but that was 1968.. that was FIFTY FUCKING YEARS AGO, and most of them are all dead and buried.. And America has changed, and grown up and you can't taint that which I and a lot of others believe can't take that experience away.
James Earl Ray, assassinated Martin Luther King and pleaded guilty to avoid the death penalty. In a man hunt that crossed countries and boundaries, changing his name and and eluding arrest for well on two months. Journalists and conspiracy nuts wish that the American government be blamed for this, because they have an agenda -- the FBI, a conspiracy is so much better and it feeds trolls like you.
And they will not take no for answer even though the evidence and fingerprints on the rifle and binoculars, his fleeing America, his escape and use of conspiracy theorists to muddy the truth. His escape in 77 -- JER was a twisted criminal his whole life, an accident waiting to happen. And he hated blacks, and hated what King was doing. There's a back story that no one pays attention too, the story how fucked the life of JER was...
We love Dr King, he is one of our heroes, I wont let you piss on that...
Yes a man assassinated him, but his legacy is freedom, FREEDOM. NOT SOCIALISM, BUT FREEDOM...but for youits fuel for your agenda.
Why would you pull down all that Dr Martin Luther King stood for...with conspiracy theory and attention deficit for a few moments in the lime light, what ended his life was a man who feared freedom, and that's what you do, you are afraid of freedom.
Do you know anything about the man; what he liked about America, what he thought of the south, what he thought of Americas future. His own family. He believed in Jesus, he walked like Jesus, he spoke like Jesus. He said love one another. But you and Corbett miss all that, cause you angry and empty with you philosophy of misery.
Godamit you jump around... your now onto Russiagate plus MLK. Which I take as your Socialist referral to the Russian hacking and Assange traitoring and the Maria Butina and Cosy Bear and Fancy bear; Skripals poisoning and troll factories and chekist bastards in the Kremlin, who seek the downfall of man and America, and the rise of a Socialist globalism dystopia, and soylent green on a limp biscuit and the end of did we get there from MLK?
Your slipping back and your audience is turning on you because you are a lying liar, Caitlin Johnstone. The net is fickle and is moving on as the nous enlightens and throws off the chains on seeks wisdom and you've been micro-dosing too much and you showing signs of a cracking at the edges. Your stories are all about the mess, and never about the real progress or a reasonable and rational and common sense.
You need a good night's sleep and something positive to do in the morning.