Build a United Front Behind Bernie Sanders NOW!

in #politics5 years ago (edited)

Folks, put your thinking hats on -- be logical!

Bernie FoxNews Poll March 2019.jpg

Voters in 2008, sickened by Bush-Cheney wanted an outsider in the presidency. Barack Obama campaigned and promised he was one, defeating Hillary Clinton. But once elected, he governed as an insider with a Wall Street cabinet. In 2016, voters again wanted an outsider. Donald Trump masqueraded as one, but logic should tell anyone that a billionaire can NEVER be an outsider. In 2016, Sanders was the ONLY valid and true outsider--he drew support from seven of every 10 Independent voters!

2020 is now upon us. Please stop getting bogged down from media representations of the multiple Democratic straw candidates whose presence in the race is only to help maintain Inside Beltway power over the Democratic party!

Sanders is the ONLY candidate with political coat-tails sufficient to draw enough Independent voters to challenge for the US Senate, where Democrats are defending 25 seats to only 10 for the GOPwingers! No political newby without national standing can accomplish this -- only Sanders can!

You want Trump gone? You want the US Senate in the hands of Democrats? Start strongly supporting Sanders! Encourage your state party leaders to have open Democratic primaries so Independent voters can participate!

See below video analysis: