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RE: How to Defeat the Republican Snowflakes and Their Snowflake-in-Chief

in #politics8 years ago

Excellent article until the very end where you say the libertarians are the only ones offering a credible alternative. I supported Gary Johnson so I understand. However, the libertarians as a party (funny-as I typed party, pastry is what appeared) are really offerlittle more than the same old my way or the highway rhetoric that we see from the 2 parties. Very disheartening for me.When oh when will we see candidates who speak directly to the issues in a way that attempts to unify instead of polarize? I know it's impossible to please everyone but good grief you don't have to marginalize or disenfranchise people to get your point across. Somehow the left and right must meet in the middle somehow. Did I say somehow? It will take a special kind of communicator to pull that off but I think it's possible. Just picture the opposite of Trump and Hillary and their ability to disenfranchise people and maybe that's what I'm looking for in a candidate.