I didn’t flag them, I want to leave it up to you as author of this post. It’s hard that belive.There are two comments one from @greene101 and the other from @anupomdas in this post who copied my coment from your previous post on Belarus election.
He does not care who is standing in his way - an elderly person, a woman or a child. This is a man without moral principles.
That’s the description of Alexander Lukashenko. His strategy to tax people even if they are unemployed, not allowing people to protest at all, punishing honest citizens for crimes they didn’t commit and get as many as possible to become policeman, which basically makes them being on Alexander Lukashenko‘s side, is obviously and unfortunately working. It’s also hard to belive what is happening in Belarus aspecialy with all these honest and poor citizens of Belarus. I mean this wife, Galina, being left alone, whose husband was killed by greedy, unresponsible bastards. And on top of it only one person being punished with ridiculous verdict. I’m not surprised why everyone wants to become a policeman in this country. They are just surviving, but at the same time these people sold their soul to the devil. Let’s hope and pray for these people and that this regime come to an end sooner than later.
Very sad story, unfortunately true story.