Irrational Globalist Democrats may take down the U.S. in a final act of financial self immolation.

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

With so many programs supported by Government largess over the past few decades, college loans, healthcare, and Federal support for housing stand out. In all three of these areas, we now see nothing less than federally mandated unaffordability. The unwillingness to couple anti-trust to government generosity has resulted in spectacular price increases from the growth of toxic unchecked monopolies, and in Healthcare, as an example, no Obamacare substitute will fare any better than Obamacare itself. When simple procedures that were at one time affordable without insurance have become as costly as a car purchase, the song is over.

College tuition is the same story, hit from both sides as a 'Socialized' economy, bereft of private job creation, faces decades of rising tuition costs due to government generosity without government scrutiny. Then there's Fanny May, dedicated to 'protecting the housing market' by buying up distressed properties to protect baby boomers from declining housing prices due to oversupply.

Well, it's all about to come to an end. On its own, housing prices are rolling over, students are no longer in large numbers willing to take out loans for educations that don't produce employment, and exhausted consumers are deferring medical procedures that are no longer available to them even with insurance, because of cost.

Now we have a divided government with Civil War breaking out within both parties. The chance of a resolution of the debt ceiling is at best 50-50. Should the Democrats try to sabotage Trump's infrastructure plans by refusing to go along with another debt ceiling increase or fight over Planned Parenthood, or funds for the Wall, or any of a number of things, the dominoes will start falling.

The Red State people have been suffering for a long time, their communities eviscerated by de-industrialization brought on by Globalists. Now it's the turn of the 'protected' who will see their paper assets and real estate holding leak away in value and their utopian socialist dreams wither in a deflationary collapse. The death of an Ideology is at hand, as well as possibly large numbers of Americans in a crisis that will eclipse the Great Depression.


Great post containing a serious warning, with good reason.

My reply was rather long-winded, so I put in a separate post.

Cheers ..