Although I don't feel completely at ease with the precedent this sets I've got to say this is "censorship" at its best. Info wars targets the mentally vulnerable and tries to infect them with the sort of paranoid delusions which will leave them chemically addicted to red pills. They're guilty of cult-like behavior.
I think they've been given enough warnings and too much understanding over all, and they should go somewhere else. They can still freely exist without tying themselves to the platforms they did.
All this did was magnify the power of every red pill by 100x and make it so the frogs really were gay the entire time "I told you so, the frogs are super gay now!"
The crazy cultists are going to believe what they want whether or not AJ & Friends are on mainstream platforms, but their attempts to attack the weaker minded are thwarted. My support for a person's existence ends when they start preaching violence and murder and tell their cultists to kill and attack innocent people (like he has done in regards to sandy hook recently).