BANNED! - Orlando International Airport Bans Medical Marijuana

in #politics8 years ago

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So apparently Orlando International Airport has banned medical marijuana in it's faciility. This comes after the state of Florida has voted in favor of the measure with a 71% Approval. So why would they take this stance if the citizens of the state overwhelmingly approved of it?

Dum dum dum...The FEDS. Yup that' right. The good ole' federal fuck you in the ass government is once again dictating to the states what they want them to do. So much for state's rights eh? Technically, yes marijuana is still illegal under federal law because it's a schedule 1 substance which deems it has no currently accepted medical use. Which is total bullshit because there are tons of studies around the world now even though they have systematically tried to stop or hinder those studies from occurring. OIA is just protecting themselves from not receiving federal funds...because you know nobody can survive anymore without federal funds...don't get me started on how sad that is.

Now that we have a dinosaur Jeff Sessions as the attorney general who once said that “Good people don't smoke marijuana,” things are about to get really complicated. Say what you want about Sessions, he's a racist etc., I've heard it all but have seen no concrete evidence of such. I really only have a problem with his drug policy. He literally wants to resort back to the drug war days of using maximum sentencing for crack, cocaine, meth, & yes marijuana. He wants to return back to the good ole' days of when you had to visit your friend's hookup named Jimmy. Remember? You had to get the address, call him up, ask him if you could come over for a bit, get there & find out he' snot there, so you wait around for an hour for him to show up, he shows up & you go inside he's all like "Aww man I'm sorry I had an errand I had to do man. Check it out tho, good stuff man, wanna try it?" Your next hour was basically shot because you just got rippin shit stoned & got into a long conversation about absolutely fucking nothing. Well, I guess it's relative maybe you do care about the moon hoax, or Area 51, or you like talking about religion. But you catch my drift. (For the record I love those conversations)

Here is the recent letter Sessions penned to the congress about medical marijuana: “I believe it would be unwise for Congress to restrict the discretion of the Department to fund particular prosecutions, particularly in the midst of an historic drug epidemic and potentially long-term uptick in violent crime. The Department must be in a position to use all laws available to combat the transnational drug organizations and dangerous drug traffickers who threaten American lives.” Go read it here:

Now there is an exception under the continuing resolution bill President Trump signed in May preventing the use of funds from targeting medical marijuana states where it's legal. Sessions is basically asking for an exception to that rule to go after weed traffickers. I'm not a fan quite honestly, because with this type of mentality I know where it leads. President Trump doesn't really give a shit about medical marijuana. It's not on his radar at all. He's shied away from it because he knows it's a dead end and quite honestly I don't think he's against it personally at all. But the guy he chose to be Attorney general lives like he's in 1950's Leave it to Beaver world.

cough Seth Rich. Well forget about those because we don't get any dolla dolla bills for that shit y'all! We need money to fund our police state gestapo tactics and police humvee land cruisers with machine guns, riot gear, to stomp out any dissent we don't like.Now Sessions is basically talking about the bad guys who are using the laws in Colorado to traffic cannabis out of state, thus operating as an interstate trafficker. I get that, we knew that would happen, but why do we need take away the protections of medical dispensaries & patients, so they can get a few big fish? Civil asset forfeiture & seizure laws that's why. The federal government in cooperation with local state police & sheriff depts get rich from seizing profits & assets like buildings, homes, cars, jewelry, firearms, you name it. Hence which is why Colorado just freaked out the civil asset forfeiture gravy train... 42,000 man hours were used to investigate drug dealing because it produces the largest rewards for agencies. Ya know that rape kit that hasn't been tested in a year? Or that molestation that was never prosecuted...or how about that murder that was never solved ahem

I do 100% support what Sessions is doing with human trafficking & sex slavery...he is committed to prosecuting those crimes to the Nth degree! Just take a look at his recent speech to cooperate with the states.

I doubt his request will be granted from Congress because...well look at them. The establishment is basically holding on by the skin of their teeth now. They know their constituents would absolutely primary their asses if they granted this request. There are rumors of Sessions being on his way out but I suspect it's really deep state tactics because he's going after the pedophiles in govt. As long as he stays away from medical marijuana, I say that's good. I really don't want to see people spending their lives in jail for an herb that has never killed one person ever. On the same note, I don't want people going to jail for life for crack, cocaine, meth, heroin, etc. There are much better ways to deal with this stuff.

Should we be worried? What are your thoughts?

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Hey, I'm the biggest MJ supporter you'll ever find, heck I'm roasting a bowl right now but honestly why does this matter?

Your not allowed to fly with weed period, nor are you as far as I know allowed to use it in public either. I'm assuming if someone is at the airport they are taking a flight somewhere and would have to throw out their bud anyway so this seems like kind of a non issue?

Maybe I'm missing something if so please clarify

Actually, you are missing sumpin. As long as you are flying to another state that is friendly such as where medical marijuana is legal, you should be okay provided you aren't trafficking 5lbs of it.

It's a big deal when someone is using it for severe pain, seizures etc., & they now fear they will have their medicine confiscated & turned over to local law enforcement, & face possible jail or prison time. It's time for the federal govt to get off their asses & decriminalize it 100% and take it off schedule 1 classification.

That's a good point I didn't think of it that way. Believe me, I'm a big believer in MJ. My girlfriend is currently in remission for breast cancer, was going through chemo and radition and had several surgeries and was on tomoxifin for years. The medications they gave her for nausea caused other side effects, then 5 other meds to stop those side effects. Her stomach was always a wreck so I'm a huge believer in MJ.

Personally I think it should be legal across the country but I guess the reason I wasn't surprised by the airport thing was like you mentioned federal government gets in the way.

The same way you aren't allowed to travel from say colorado to florida on the roadways with it, I guess I would have just assumed planes would be the same, not saying its right just assumed that's how it would be.

I know for guns there's specific rules for interstate transportation ie if I'm in say Illinois and I'm traveling to Texas and those states are legal, on my route it doesn't matter if I cross through states where my guns would be legal as long as they are in the car locked in a case and enclosed in the trunk, and as long as I don't deviate and make stops along the way.

There should definitely be something similar to this for weed, or better yet just legalize it everywhere. Its such a joke people who are gonna smoke are gonna smoke, it's illegal in my state but didn't stop my gf from using it for cancer and the state would have some balls to try to bring a cancer patient up on charges and dictate to them what makes them feel better. Anyhow, weed harms nobody it should be legal, thats what we should be pushing for not bullshit little loopholes. Im with ya man.

Jeeze. These bans are getting out of hand. San Francisco just announced all flavored marijuana and vape e juice will be illegal in the city beginning April 2018. WHY? Tobacco flavored ejuice and normal mj will be fine...

Eggzackly! It's absolutely ridiculous. The government is constantly telling people how to live their lives. You can have opiates, alcohol, sex & violence but vape juice? Naa...Nana govt says NO!