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RE: Concealed Weapon Carry Without A Permit...I Live In A State That Allows It

in #politics9 years ago

I'm okay with it, but not without critique. I don't know your laws. But, I think you should have a fire-rate limit and a limit on how many bullets you are legally allowed to carry in public. I think the latter should be in the single digits. I think violating those laws should have serious ramifications.

Obvious Gun-holders might have to allow themselves to be subject to search for me to be comfortable.

The violent community might not abide by the law. But it doesn't seem like anybody gets less safe either. It also shows action focused on safety while not leaving law-abiding gun owners out to dry. Which is ultimately what I would like to see.

Safety is very important. Personally I don't trust a good guy with a gun.


So a motorcycle gang with a dozen thugs catches up to you on a long stretch of lonely road and all you've got is a rate/capacity limited weapon to defend yourself...

Safety is not a problem. Where I come from every father drilled that into his son before he sent him out squirrel hunting at age 12.

Good guy gun owners are like sheep dogs. If you are a sheep, it's good to know they are there when the wolves start circling. :)