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RE: Terrorism or Random Acts of Violence?

in #politics7 years ago

Unfortunately it's a symptom of current practice across the board. "Racism" has been watered down, "bullying" is being watered down--in both cases those labels are getting slapped liberally on people for merely disagreeing or being rude. Even the Weather Channel has fallen for it...we don't just have storms anymore, now every weather event is a Super Storm! or Death Hurricane! (ok, I made that up) but I've gotten to the point in all of the above examples of rolling my eyes and moving on instead of taking anybody seriously. I agree with you that somebody needs to call Time Out on the misuse of terrorism, because I'm leery of any process that gives government an opportunity to suspend people's rights with such a blanket excuse.


Thanks for commenting. Yes, I am with you 100%. I remember correcting my children every time they claimed something was "racist". That was years ago, but the destruction of our language continues. Some would say it has led to a society of "victims" instead of heroes, but where we are told that "victims are heroes". Sensationalism has won the day and the idiots that were paraded around daytime television many years ago as proverbial "circus freaks" are now a highly represented part of American society. It's amazing.

I'm with you that the biggest concern we should have is the wholesale sacrifice of our rights in the "fight against terrorism". Killing Americans without due process, perpetual war against countless countries, etc.

" Some would say it has led to a society of "victims" instead of heroes, but where we are told that "victims are heroes". "

That's really insightful...and I'm one of those who agrees that it's the case!!