I am normally skeptical of people who say they receive words from God. The Bible says to be aware of false prophets who are used by the devil to mislead Christians. However, I recently stubbled upon a man named Tim Dixon, a man who's video appeared on a channel that occasionally hosts Mike Lindell. The video I saw was about a dream he had, which he believes came from God, and in the dream, Trump comes back into office.
Basically what happened in the dream, was he sees John Roberts get a dream where he dies, and has blood on his hands, implying that if he doesn't come clean and stop the evil, he will be responsible for the physical/spiritual deaths of millions of people. Roberts then asks Amy Barret to help him with something, to which she agrees. After Roberts hands over a note, a human trafficking ring is uncovered in New York, and arrests are made. Riots break out, then a great revival happens, and Trump somehow returns to office on Air Force one. He seemed to genuinely believe what he said, and said that he can tell when a dream is from God. One thing that stuck out to me is that unlike many who claim God will just do something, he said that we, the Christians, need to unite and fight the evil that is taking over, and then God would act.
The Whirlwind Dreams
In another video, he talks about a dream where where Jews were blow their horns , and then a whirlwind came, and a man came from the whirlwind and anointed Trump. The whirlwind then went to the capitol and cleaned the house.
In another video, released February 24th, he talks about a "whirlwind" that cause the democrats to turn on each other and reach the Capitol after 30 days. The whirlwind would involve a flood of information coming out exposing corruption and crimes.
Things he said in at least one other video implied that the days of Passover would be the climax of the whirlwind, and that when it did reach a climax, the lower Columbia River would run backwards (possibly a tsunami) and cause power outages.
He also said earthquakes and deadly swarms of flies would happen in areas where lots of election fraud happened and where leadership was very corrupt.The interesting thing is that Jews blow their horns like they did in his dream on Jewish holidays, and 30 days before Passover, is a holiday called Purim. It just so happens, that CPAC, (February 25th-28th) where Trump made his first public appearance after leaving office, overlapped with Purim (evening of February 25th to evening of February 26th). He did not mention that in his videos, so he likely doesn't realize it, adding weight to his claims. Passover begins on the evening of March 27th, and ends on the evening of April 4th.
Capitol Dream
One reason I think he is right, is he says he had a dream and the "insurrection" of the capitol a year before it happened, complete with glass breaking, and the building being evacuated. He also says he had a dream about the Coronavirus before it came.
So to wrap up, I just thought that all of this is encouraging , because it means it is not over yet, revival can still happen, and America can still win. In order to win and for God to act, we the people need to speak up and fight back. Like I said in a previous post, I think this election was a Divine trap set for the deep state, but in order for the trap to work properly, we need to speak up.
I'm in this mess because of a dream...
I like Roseanne Barr (the person). I don't care much for the show, but the post-Trump return show did have some redeeming qualities from what I saw. After she got canceled, the show became one of the worst ever in my opinion. She is right about the Rothschilds wanting to destroy America. They are the ones who created Communist China, aka the CCP, and have us in debt to them.
Pretty cool that her dream is similar to Dixon's dream, and involves God allowing all this corruption to expose it. Timothy Dixon also talks about a friend of his who is also a pastor, who predicted like 5 years ago that not only would Trump be president (or someone who sounds a lot like Trump, not sure if he was named), but would be cheated out of office before returning after several months. His prediction was that in this presidents first term, the media would hate him, but in his second they would love him (sounds like a combination of revival and swamp draining??!) There is also a firefighter who predicted in 2011 that Trump would be president, and once he was, he would strengthen US ties to Israel, would jumpstart the economy, bring the US dollar back stronger than ever, cause a massive spiritual revival/awakening, and that the mainstream media would even start to agree with him. The first part of his prediction came true, that he would win against all odds, that the economy would grow like never before, and that would strengthen America's ties with Israel. The second part hasn't come true yet, which is where the US dollar comes back stronger than ever (implying we reduce debt) and the currency that the rest of the world compares theirs to, that a massive revival would happen, (which seems to be starting but hasn't happened yet), and that the mainstream media would agree with him (they are still "orange man bad.")
the only thing messin this up right now are a couple of AIs and millions of american's needs to feed them with their genetalia through smartphones : /
fucking cray Z

This kind if messianic view of Trump as a savior for our society deeply disturbs me. The State is anti-Christ. It operates by means entirely opposed to His. Remember the kind of power Satan used to tempt Christ in the desert? Remember what system crucified Him?
Maybe Trump will return to office. In some ways, he is arguably better than Biden. But the system he wants to run is built on a foundation of lies and abuse. The power he wants is usurped and illegitimate. There is no salvation to be found there, no matter who claims to rule.
So you view Trump as power hungry, lol. Not even worth discussing with you.
He clearly wants the power and prestige of office. Why else would he be vying for it?
This is how the medias show Trump and how ignorant people react to it
I'm one of the first to point out when the media lies about Trump, but I am also one of the first to be critical of what Trump actually does, too. He isn't a saint or savior. He's a corrupt businessman and a corrupt politician who has objectively trampled the principles of liberty just like all of his predecessors. Despite being somewhat better on matters like taxes, regulation, and belligerence, he's also a spendthrift and woefully ignorant of any economic theory or philosophical foundation behind his actions.
If that so , Humanity doesnt have much time , i do agree , Christ is within and there is no savior but our own guidance , but we must be prepared for a full time destruction .
Trump could have bring back the Tartarian s principles ( weirdly related to Nikolas Tesla ) but it looks like it wont happen ...therefor ,Nanotechnology is now in full control of our DNA/RNA , immune system and Life ..We will see through faith what is God's plan .
I disagree that Trump is a corrupt businessman. He is not perfect, nobody ever said he was. Tim Dixon does not EVER say that in any of his videos.
"The system he wants to run and build is built on a foundation of lies and abuse." Not lies, the election REALLY WAS stolen from us. Also, we do not view Trump as our savior. The guy in the video does not either, but rather Jesus is the savior, who causes Trump to come back to office after enough of the people are repentant. Mike Lindell said that a lot of people he knows that are atheist's and Trump supporters have lost hope after the election was blatantly stolen, and found Jesus. Trump can not come back to the White House without a miracle from God.
The lies and abuse run far deeper than the question of whether the 2020 election was stolen. I challenge the premise of democratic representation and republican checks and balances. The ideas that underpin the entire political system are flawed, and claims to authority based on those ideas are illegitimate.
It was Trump's administration that arbitrarily and extra legally banned bump stocks, turning thousands of people into "felons" at the stroke of a pen by unelected bureaucrats. It was Trump's administration which gave us 2/3 of the "COVID stimulus" inflation and debt. On the basis of those two facts alone, it should be apparent that Trump has failed to exhibit the fiscal conservatism and respect for individual rights the Right espouses.
Nobody ever said Trump is perfect. I personally did not like him banning bumps tocks, and also didn't like it when he bombed Syria. I think in both cases, he fell for false flags set up by the deep state. His COVID stimulus does not fit into those categories in my opinion, because he was going to seize assets from China if he got a second term. China attacked us with their synthetic virus, and we would make them pay. Now Beijing Joe is giving money to China.
After much research , Covid-19 ( soon to be Covid-21 )
Was created in France ( institut Pasteur ) hence the French mixing their business in China
Oh boy. I am firmly skeptical of the idea that COVID-19 is a Chinese bioweapon, and Trump's trade war schemes were unwise. Seizing assets is an act of war, and none of us really want that. It would be a massive handout to the military industrial complex and a waste of lives for no good end as the domestic police state would ramp up to trespass against even more rights. No, thanks!
I am sure it is not over yet , the pendulum swings both sides and it is now time to switch