very true. Democrats would need a lot more candidates if that were the case.
My concerns now lean toward what personality types really drift towards the Democratic party. They have some traits that scare the shit out of me. Yes, personally, not as a political party. But when you throw them all together and give them free reign watch out. I sincerely feel none care about their job, just themselves, the spotlight and winning at everything.
Did you see the reply I got from cyberdemon531 when I commented on her comment on your post? Boy, I felt bad that the little I said brought that reaction. That is an example of the personality traits that concern me.
I had gotten busy so I had to go back and read your comments. Typical response from a liberal, they know the "truth" without it being based on any facts.
I tried really hard to be calm, cool and collected with no comment but she had to come back at me again with an opinion of me I was totally surprised. I wasn't the topic.
When facts and logic aren't on your side all you have left is to attack the other person.