No seriously, I feel like I must be missing something? I can't even wrap my head around their logic. And I can usually trick my brain into believing whatever I want to at the moment. So this is difficult for me as I can not see how people think this way at all.
How can so many liberals think that gun control would stop attacks like this?
While all the conservatives see it for what it actually seems to be. A horrible crime committed by a madman fueled by a corrupt world.
I mean... This madman had an illegal gun, and even if it wasn't illegal, it was illegal for him since he had been through a court martial. So his gun was illegal, period.
The guy that stopped him was a licensed gun owner with a legal gun. That legal gun killed the man with the illegal gun.
So where in the hell does gun control fit into this?? Anymore gun control would only have affected the legal gun owners right to have had a gun.... If he hadn't had that gun, how many others would have died today? The guy had other guns and explosives in his vehicle....
I also don't understand the politicians pushing for gun control when half of them have holdings and interests in weapons manufacturing and supplies companies or have profited from war somewhere along the way.... Like what gives?
And this guy was posting pics of his gun on social media! Why aren't we watching that stuff much closer! Like this lady that just got arrested in Zimbabwe by the cyber-security ministry for disrespecting their president...Why don't we have a gun control department like that, that makes house-calls to these wackos that post pics of their crazy guns...
They could have watched this guy and stopped him if they had a proper program in place. Instead of worrying about gun control all the time which will never fly with half of our country. It's an argument that will never get won.
I'm just really, really confused as to how people are staying so divided on this. This division we have in our country is what is fueling these crackpot madmen and giving them the cannon fodder their pathetic brains need to actually go through with these horrible acts.
I'm serious...
Can anyone explain this logic to me??? I respect opinions but this feels really brainwashy to me....
And this is where the insults usually start flying from both sides.... /sigh
My heart goes out to all the victims and grieving families of this and all the other recent tragedies...
I agree something needs to be done... But what??? Minority Report???
ie, posts like this:
Not to call anyone out, If gun is legal which I'm sure this one is, cool, own it, but if you post it online like this, then I think someone should be at your door within 4 hours tops, checking your mental state out and then watching you for a bit...With a warrant!
im from country where every home has an arsenal of illegal weapons. and im not talking only about guns, theres heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, all kind of landmines, grenades even AA guns and cannons in rural areas.
still theres no any madmen and mass shootings.
its not about weapons at all.
i guess its about collective mentality.
mad man would not do that.there is mad men everywhere in the world, but only USA mad men are going to rampage through neighborhoods they grew up..
its simple to label those as terrorists or madmen, but if i am in charge, i would try to listen to their reasons and investigate their motives. not to hide or fabricate it.
not saying it would be of use, but who knows. maybe there is some pattern.
You basically nailed it on the head there with where my thinking was...
This is the result of some wickedness within society and culture and politics...
People don't just do this stuff....Yes, it happens, but not this much and such.
I grew up in rural MN, and everyone had guns, and lots of people had exactly what you just said. I firmly agree it has nothing to do with the weapons too. But all these people that think it does.... Boy... How do you get through to them... That society is basically busted. I mean, it really is in many areas...
im not sure anyone can get through to them. i was working for media big part of my life, and successful story that sells is the one which can make 2 opposite sides bark at eachother. out of nothing.
people are so lazy to think that they are taking free instant opinions from TV.
id say death to the media..
reduce them to spreading information, not opinions.
or throw it in garbage, simply.