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RE: What are your thoughts on Trump firing Comey?

in #politics8 years ago

I like your nuanced question, did Trump have any other option? This probably was a very difficult Catch 22 issue for him.

Of course, I have an opinion, and that opinion is yes, he did, and he should not have fired Comey. If he can not pursue HRC because it smacks of despotism, he surely could see how this very act smacks of the same thing?

I have one word: impeachment. If Bill Clinton can be impeached for getting a BJ, it seems reasonable that DT should be impeached for firing the FBI director while under investigation from the FBI.

NB: I hate the FBI and want it dismantled immediately.


Thanks for sharing your perspective. I think any wrongdoings by Trump will come out whoever the head of the FBI is. I'm not a fan of the FBI either except for their fictional versions (e.g. Mulder and Sculley).