I made the statement in a post that The U.S. Government destroyed Venezuela not Socialism, Hilarious right, how dare you speak up against the empire, that's only for wealthy Corporations. The American Sheeple especially are trained that Socialism for Corporations is fantastic and crony capitalism is for peasants. Venezuela will be Iraq 2.0 and the Alt Right will give Trump a free pass because after all Socialism is bad, and there's nothing more Amerikan than bringing Democracy to a sovereign nation's doorstep.
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Eeeek... he said it. HE SAID the "S" word .... holyyy shiiiiittt! I have goosebumps all over my body.
Wrong, why you compare Venezuela with Iraq and not with a western country like Panama?
I wonder if you know any Venezuelan? It is very disappointing to see people defending totalitarians murderers like maduro...
You can dislike America (although I wonder what country do you like and support?), but that doesn't mean you should defend the Venezuelan narco regime.