This is a warning that if you are at work or around children this clip and summary are not safe for work (NSFW) due to language and content.
It seems CNN on the website has taken a study from an extremist on the left and planted it for the public to read and digest. It says that to have a healthly married relationship it's positive that your spouse has sex with others and encourages you to watch. This term is know as "cuckholding" and apparently endorsed as legitimate news for the masses. Mark Dice uses a little dark humor in his back and forth conversation with himself about what he did last weekend to a work friend. He continues the conversation while making fun of how ridiculous this story and study really are. He then shows how youtube is continuing to search for words and demonetize videos at higher rates among content creators like him. It seems the fantasies of the Hollywood left want to further push outrageous behaviors as normal and healthy. Imagine if this was adopted think how many children would need therapy for life to deal with family and trust issues all because their parents were selfish enough to destroy their families.