End of NFL Football?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

In case you hadn't heard back in early 2016 a San Francisco 49ers player Colin Kaepernick decided that he thought police brutality and America was unjust and after watching protesters riot and shut down cities across the nation decided to take a knee during the national anthem. After he continued doing this a few players on other teams joined the protesting. Flash forward to today with President Trump finally saying what a lot of people have been wanting to say the NFL players, coaches, and some owners decided to join the disrespectful display with hundreds of players taking a knee.

Mark Dice discusses the stupidity of the NFL's lack of respect and horrible business decisions that will give it a financial hit in the coming days. I know a lot of people will say they aren't protesting the country or anthem but I disagree because they are choosing this particular platform and song to make their statement. They could take a knee during halftime, first timeout, end of quarters etc but they have chosen to protest the anthem and nation. They feel the country is unjust and not fair and they have that right just like I have the right to turn the channel and not support this league anymore.


The ratings were down big time last years, at least early in the season. Many attributed that to the election season but I didnt buy it. This situation along with the reports coming out about the athletes having brain damage from the repeated hits is causing many to turn away from the NFL.

It will be interesting to see what the ratings are after the first two months this years.

For a multitude of reasons, you might be right...we could be seeing the end of the NFL as we know it.

Yes I think it may be on the way down for sure. And I completely disagree with commentators and reporters who defend the actions of the players as nothing to do with the anthem because they are doing this during and stop after so it is about the anthem and thinking the nation is unjust. This could snowball into more Anti-Americanism in the future generations because if you start to say with a loud voice the nation is unjust then of course it's founding is unjust so let's tear up the constitution.

It is always hypocritical for athletes who are making millions of dollars to protest a country as being unjust when they are making more in a year than the average person makes in a lifetime. Yes I know the argument they are adding a voice to the voiceless but it showing to irritate people. Many tune into sports to get away from the politics and problems with the country. People who want that can turn on MSNBC or Foxnews and see that debated. However, when it enters sports, people will stop tuning in as the rating show. ESPN is suffering because people on there want to make it political.

I do not look at their ratings but what folks are doing with their pocket books and those folks are flag waving patriots so they just killed their futures making the millions they took for granted...

A video done by PJF speaks loud..

A good watch..

Yes as a business decision the commissioner and owners should have rules against political protesting and are not on the side of their customer base on this issue. Wait till the numbers roll in. Next I predict the national anthem will be removed as stating it is too controversial and another strike against the country when it's the actions of the players that is the issue.

If enough folks speak with their pocket books that can change..

They have the right to protest, I have the right to not watch them.