In this video Mark Dice brings some serious news. It seems over the last week Google's Youtube has hired 10 thousand "social justice warriors" to censor and purge channels and content. I've noticed many channels simply were suspended or had their channels deleted thanks to this Orwellian tactic. If that wasn't bad enough further research shows that Google has been secretly using the Southern Poverty Law Center to police videos. In my opinion this is an all out attempt to silence free speech and limit or control the people. If people don't fight back on these tactics you might wake up one day were facebook, google. twitter, and other giant companies label you a criminal and should be looked at as having mental health issues. Scary times here and I'm glad we have platforms like Steemit to bring this news to as many people as I can.

Mark Dice will come onto steemit eventually.
Been watching this happening for months...
Getting worse sadly.
THEM Tube.
Yes more platforms will emerge like Dtube.