Thanks a lot X- ! My biggest concern is that people don't keep getting conned over and over again. This is destroying our shared ability to think clearly and properly respond to real threats to us. Instead of trusting anyone's "plan" or being shepherded into false narratives, we must learn to practice the utmost level of discernment and call out anyone that doesn't pass the most basic "sniff" tests.
In researching for my latest post, it's become so blatant to me how much massive disinfo is going on in the alternative media / truth movement as well. It's so infiltrated it's both ridiculous and saddening. It makes me really wonder who can be trusted anymore. I'm getting to the point where I am now ready to standardly distrust anyone who makes their living off of alternative media unless they regularly prove themselves not to be disinfo. This goes for Sean as well at this point.
Once Again, Thank YOU for your well-built formulations N_ & V_.
Now for some 'comic relief' a lá 1966:
I wrote below * "wanna-believer" * , but really thought this>>>
-I'm a Believer - The Monkees-
The Monkees were not real musicians; they were contrived in a studio by other musicians.
Kind'a like "Q".
And Corsi.
Fakes and ½-Fakes.
Replace 'she' and 'her' with the 2 above.
:))) & ;) X-
Yep.. Perhaps they were coordinated independently by Stanford Research Institute instead of jointly with Tavistock like most major rock bands. This could be why the Monkeys never made it all that far, but hey.. they had their own TV show! ;-)