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RE: CRIMES & COVER-UPS -- Donald Jeffries

in #politics6 years ago

hey SGT i like your stuff i read you on SHTF but trump is part of the deep state and he is fooling all the christians and middle class like the obomber fooled blacks and the poor
wake the hell up people
no one is going to jail and the money keeps getting printed and the wars continue
damn you people are so blind
but i commend you for speaking your mind
no paying off debt that trump said would be a sinch
no stopping and withdrawing from the wars
no brennan clinton clapper wasserman shultz ext ext in jail man people are completely delusional and brainwashed
i am wondering is this still trumps 3D chess at play
you people are becoming laughable and iagree that their is no freddom of speech here
have a good day sean and when you are telling people trump will lock these criminals up you are doing more harm than good to the sheep since if they believe you and its all misinformation
how many years does trump have to be in power for one person to go to jail
you people should be ashamed of yourselves giving people hope like iobama just to massively have them dissapointed

good luck on your brainwashing venture and i will continue reading your posts to get a good laugh and see how lost the sheep have become