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RE: The Right, the Left and the Truth

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

It's not posted to dtube or steem yet but I actually see Ethnocentrism and Nationalism as natural developments of human psychology and human action.

In my video "Globalist Goals Are Anti-Freedom" video I explain the logical consequences of human productivity, how nations are formed and how the nation state is not only a natural byproduct of human activity for a natural outgrowth of Locke's natural rights.

More to the point, I have a great deal to say about the development of western society as having been only made possible by the presence of Indo-European whites. My reasoning for this being that the first world was only made possible by the intellectual and ideological premises of classical western culture which exists no where BUT Nation States founded by, occupied by or organized by Indo-European whites. Which is why the only first world nations which are not majority white: are South Korea and Japan which were BOTH reorganized into being western republics BY a white majority western republic (America).

This I explain at length in another item which is not yet posted to steem but rather was published some time ago on my personal website. "It’s okay to be white… why wouldn’t it be?"

You are correct in that I "have a lot to say", but highly atomistic I am not. Nor do I necessarily view identitarianism as being contrary to individualism. I think the issue in and of itself is being portrayed as being contradictory due to opposing political agendas on both sides. I'm not one for the quote "middle road", I think milquetoast middle of the roaders are soy sucking cucks: I think both viewpoints on the topic are simply wrong and neither side is backing down because they want to push their agenda.

Consider for a moment: I'm Libertarian.

Now as such:
-I do not evade reality on the importance and functionality of things like the Nation State, which even Stefan Molyneux has capitulated on.

-I do not evade reality on the demonstrable truth of race realism, inherent differences in IQ, aggression levels and criminality.

-I do not evade reality on the topics of open borders and multiculturalism which are both irrefutably disastrous for a society.

-I do not evade reality on the subject of demographic voting, those who support large government and curtails on freedoms V.s. those who support smaller government and greater freedoms.

Now as a result of adherence to factual reality, that which can be proven to be true regardless of people's feelings or ideology: I am branded by the left as being a nazi. This being the case, I often associate myself with National Socialists, Alt-Right and I ever have a lot of discourse with Neo Nazis and other 1488 type personalities of the current right wing. The Samsonite / Liberalistststs and many Libertarians of the AnCap persuasion would exclaim that this is collectivism: and from what you had read of my work you thought I was highly atomized.

Two opposing viewpoints about the same exact person: as influenced by two political opposed groups in accordance with their philosophical and ideological tenets.

Since these are mutually exclusive viewpoints, A cannot be A and non-A (law of non-contradiction): both viewpoints cannot be simultaneously correct. However, they CAN in fact be simultaneously incorrect.

You see, if adherence to factual reality, rather than ideology, will get my branded a [enter term of dehumanization here] and demarks me as an open target for harassment, censure, assault or even death: joining forces with others who are also targeted by that group who wishes to do me harm is not an act of collectivism. This is in fact a rational act of self preservation.

If it's between the people shooting at you - or the people not shooting at you: you join the side which isn't shooting at you but is shooting at the people who are shooting at you. It's that simple.

So you see - banding together with others in order to accomplish a particular task, such as civil defense against an enemy who would target each of you individually: is not a collectivist action. It's rational self preservation. No one human ever took down a mammoth, no one human ever built a skyscraper, no one human ever built a mountain pass. Working together in congress with others in not collectivism in and of itself. You are simply banding together in order to effectively or efficiently accomplish goals: and each person in that grouping can in fact have their own individual motivation for their individual participation.

If I, as an individual, wish to live in such a place where my natural rights are guaranteed by law, and enforced by law in order that I am protected from the malice of others, including the state: then I shall want to live in a Western Representational Constitutional Republic. For that to be obtained and maintained: I should want to live in a Nation with a super majority population of the only people on the planet who value and adhere to the ideological and philosophical principles which created such a thing as the Western Representational Constitutional Republic. As such, I should therefore want to remain in a Nation with a super majority of Indo-European Whites.

Quoting my previous statement:
"Working together in congress with others in not collectivism in and of itself. You are simply banding together in order to effectively or efficiently accomplish goals: and each person in that grouping can in fact have their own individual motivation for their individual participation."

My freedom and my liberty is my individual goal and motivation: and therefore "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children."

Anyone who has the good sense to pay attention to the reality of who created liberty, who supports liberty and how the majority of non-white demographics vote for big government against individual Liberties: should ALSO be supporting those 14 words - if they want to live in a free society - even if they're non-white.

I don't blame you, by the way, for having a very mistaken perception of me. I have a fairly large catalog of writings and videos on various topics: but have only JUST joined Steemit 2-3 days ago. So the vast majority of my materials are as of yet not on this platform. So I took not offense to your comment. Don't worry about it.


I can't read all of this and suss out all the intricacies that come with you obviously doing and I guess in part originating something (I think) - very niche right now. I refollowed you and will keep an eye out with whatever it is you are doing. My buddy and I just thought it weird you had a rotating avi but were seemingly walking a different walk.


Oh that: that's a kolovrat, it's a pagan Slavic symbol. It represents Perune and the eternal struggle between good and evil.

I'm a 4th generation Russian Immigrant to the states, I use that as a signet of my ancestry.

You know it's a variant of "one of the most common symbols in history," right?

Just pointing that out.

Yes, and it's a predominantly Slavic variant.