Fundaments of Modern Slavery

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

At this moment the biggest financial fraud in human history is starting to reveal. While vast majority of people still thinks that this information won't change a shit, i most definitely disagree with that attitude. Are lack of information and lethargy actually part of their plan, not to change a thing in our favour?

For thousands of years people have built powefull empires, constructed amazing civilizations, whetever it is the case with Old Egypt, Greece, China Empire, all these civilizations have traded with many surrounding and less-known states or tribes. True, many of them have struggled for resources, supremacy, and territories, such scenarios are repeated though our history many times, but all these system were based on the power of precious metals : Gold and Silver.

Old Economies

Old economies based on precious metals where simple, their resources and economic power could not be manipulated because the state or empire had financial and economical power as much as gold and silver in its treasury. Such data could not be manipulated, it was also not possible to forge money and there was no difference in monetary value. Which meant that in case the state colapsed, gold and silver would be solvented in a new valid currency that has maintained certain standards or weight and quality.

The most important thing about precious metals such as gold and silver is that whatever things go wrong in the state and as far as economic situation goes wrong, they still have value, which can not be said on fiat money. The real value of the 10€ banknotes and of 100€ banknotes is almost the same, the difference lies only in agreed value and in the number of "zeros". Acient states didn't have to worry about currency exhange rates and other factors of confusion. So the value of goods which European merchants bought and sold along was clearly marked in a certain amount of gold regardless of whose head or the sign was imprinted in that gold or what ever it was.

The originator of economic Slavery

Just imagine being a member of the Renaissance Medicci family, what would you do? Would you try to bribe most of Papal states, Florence, Lombardy, Venice, France and states of Germany, in order to back up your goal? It was to expensive to make it sustainable, but they found a way.
Perfect awnser was the creation of banks. Gold money then began to float over interest rates, bills of exhange and contracts. Ever since the global economy started to change increasingly.

Cosimo De Medici (1379-1644) is one of the founders of the megalomaniac crafts business of the banking industry. First in the row.

The Medici family, also known as the House of Medici, first attained wealth and political power in Florence in the 13th century through its success in commerce and banking. Beginning in 1434 with the rise to power of Cosimo de’ Medici (or Cosimo the Elder), the family’s support of the arts and humanities made Florence into the cradle of the Renaissance, a cultural flowering rivaled only by that of ancient Greece. The Medicis produced four popes (Leo X, Clement VII, Pius IV and Leon XI), and their genes have been mixed into many of Europe’s royal families. The last Medici ruler died without a male heir in 1737, ending the family dynasty after almost three centuries.


What is the Real problem of Paper money?

The worrying part of our banking system, to witch the public is little aware, is the fact that in the global circulation of banknotes that do not have coverege in precious metals, most of the world's currencies simpy do not have enough in treasury to back up their "money". Money has become virtual sum of zeros. This is another additional possibility of plundgering and enriching a handfull of super-powerfull people who rule the finances. Soon, the bankers are beginning to realize the importance of wars in the weakening of states, and knowingly begin to fund both sides in the war. It can't get more simple. If state is weak banksters are strong, end of the story.

As an example we see the French Revolution. The feudal society has become civic, people are satisfied with civil law and constitution, while on the other hand so called bourgeoisie along with bankers took money and wealth.
Such disgusting creatures, were no longer satisfied with the destruction of powerfull colonial states, as was the case with Germany and Austro Hungarian Monarchy in first world war, they realized that even more money and power could come from creating global collateral victims with the help of Global Crisis and the stotck market.
In order to destroy complete colonial and imperialistic system they needed "mask", so they needed to figure about the way how to break through all monetary system and give it a "crucial" hit. They founded Federal Reserves, and the problem was solved.

The Law on Federal (Monetary) Reserves of the United States was made secret in December 1913, in this way the "majority" of US tax revenue does not go to the hands of the US government, but in the hands of the real private owners of the US dollar, into the hands of bankers which have appropriated the monetary system of the United States.



Most of the gas and oil produced are paid in dollars, a very fine cover for bubble. Thanks to the oil crises in the seventies of the twentieth century, bakers have consolidated and established their power over "blak gold" without public debate and imposed the dollar as the means of paying crude oil and gas. But we have seen some rulers who thought they might fuck up petrodollars, such as Gaddafi who made the decision to start charging oil with any other currency other than dollar and euro. Don't even need to tell you what happened a bit later. The next on "to do list" is most definitely Iran which getting payed in Euros by China, i think you all know what is coming.

Hope you finaly understand that todays system is fucking unsustainable, and that is just matter of time when the whole system will colapse. Be smart, cheers!


Taking all of the written up there and then some wiseguy tells me that crypto is fake money. Fiat money is the fake money.

so is crypto, and it's the nsa's invention. as said in the article, only gold and silver are money (or really whatever people decide it is, precious metals have been used for obvious reasons.) when the state has a monopoly on money issuance, the state will corrupt it, because power corrupts doesn't it?
lord acton also said the issue which will come down through the ages and which will eventually be fought over is the people versus the banks. wise man. tick-tock.

I agree that crypto is money that is being produced from virtual space. But it is at least required some type of work to prove that currency. For fiat, you don't need anything but printing machine and agreement that it is worth something. And that being said crypto is decentralized while fiat is central.

well i did not exclude the possibility that some powefull bankers might "stay" behind whole crypto project, but still it does not change a fact that crypto has better and more relevant backup than fiat.

no it's not, they're both bogus.

a sound money system is where i can take whatever token is issued (paper, coin, digital, whatever) to the money warehouse and exchange it for silver or gold. this is its guarantee, its backup that it is worth something universally recognised as valuable.

while we are in agreement that fiat dollars, euros, pounds, yen etc. fail this test (though they didn't use to - a 'pound sterling' used to be able to be ex changed for a pound of sterling silver at the bank of england, and there used to be gold and silver dollar certificates as well,) it is also true that all current cryptocurrencies also fail this vital test. they are backed up by nothing but trust + belief, making them inherently worthless.

that won't stop the rulers using them as future digital cash so they can completely control the economy and therefore mankind though.

In crypto space at least some kind of energy is put into it, for example bitcoin is "spending" electircity - POW, we on steemit are using our intellect to make a difference(Proof of Brain). So as far as im consirned crypto has back up, at least stroner than the fiat currency. Thans for the time boyz! :)

Hey now the dollar is backed by something..... The Federal Reserve

The dollar is backed up by brute force.