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RE: Dispute With Government Could Leave Indie Publisher With Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars In Fines

in #politics7 years ago

That's one of the best things that any good government has to do so as to protect people's intelligent works done literally. So, it is a good idea from the government. If you truly write something without copying and pasting, nothing will stop you from submitting copies of it to government for access.


What's to stop the government refusing to publish any literature that may be critical of government? Nothing. But keep cheering while your liberties are stripped from you by your "good government".

The problem is that copyright is not to protect me or you. It is to protect the big corporations.

Every time Mikey Moose is about to fall out of copyright, they change the laws so that the protection is longer. So, basically, they are destroying the "fair use" side of copyright.

There can be an argument for government backed intellectual property rights. I do not agree with them, but they are there. However, there is no argument for what The US is doing with copyrights.

The TPP was ALL about copyright enforcement. And if it was agreed to, it becomes supreme law of the land. Underhanded extreme law passing.